$ $niperWolf New Metal Member Nov 11, 2002 4 2 3 37 Visit site Nov 12, 2002 #1 I'm an italian fan...why aren't you coming to Italy on tour?? Reactions: Hiljainen
D Dado-x Senior Citizen Sep 17, 2002 841 2 18 Slovenia Visit site Nov 12, 2002 #2 Originally posted by $niperWolf I'm an italian fan...why aren't you coming to Italy on tour?? Click to expand... You realize that fans from Zimbabwe are asking themseves the same question? Reactions: Hiljainen
Originally posted by $niperWolf I'm an italian fan...why aren't you coming to Italy on tour?? Click to expand... You realize that fans from Zimbabwe are asking themseves the same question?
ProgMetalFan In the attic Jan 3, 2002 4,630 12 38 PITTSBURGH Nov 12, 2002 #3 Apr-12-2003 Palavobis Milan, Italy
$ $niperWolf New Metal Member Nov 11, 2002 4 2 3 37 Visit site Nov 12, 2002 #4 where did you read that progmetalfan ?
Hawk Henri Serton Staff member Aug 31, 2001 6,632 45 48 66 Eindhoven; Rockcity! Nov 12, 2002 #5 http://www.symphonyx.com/tourdates.htm It's on the Symphony X page dude Reactions: Hiljainen
H Homer New Metal Member Oct 29, 2002 3 0 1 Visit site Nov 16, 2002 #6 We want to see Symphony x in Rome too! Why not?????
RequiemX King of Ithaca Sep 12, 2002 794 1 18 Sebastopol, CA www.noahsager.com Nov 16, 2002 #7 I would be grateful for a SX USA tour where they were the only ones playing. DreamTheater did it. They played for like 3 hours. I would be happy to go to a 2 hour Symphony X-only concert. That would fscking rule.
I would be grateful for a SX USA tour where they were the only ones playing. DreamTheater did it. They played for like 3 hours. I would be happy to go to a 2 hour Symphony X-only concert. That would fscking rule.
N Nokiya New Metal Member Oct 12, 2002 13 0 1 44 Taipei Taiwan R.O.C Visit site Nov 18, 2002 #8 Originally posted by $niperWolf I'm an italian fan...why aren't you coming to Italy on tour?? Click to expand... that is the question I slould ask.. I'm a Asia fan from Taipei...why aren't S.X coming to Asia on tour??
Originally posted by $niperWolf I'm an italian fan...why aren't you coming to Italy on tour?? Click to expand... that is the question I slould ask.. I'm a Asia fan from Taipei...why aren't S.X coming to Asia on tour??
D DivideByZero Infinitely Impossible Nov 6, 2002 60 0 6 44 Visit site Nov 18, 2002 #9 'Tis about the same as asking why they're not coming to Alaska. That being said, I would probably have a heart attack if they came up here.
'Tis about the same as asking why they're not coming to Alaska. That being said, I would probably have a heart attack if they came up here.
$ $niperWolf New Metal Member Nov 11, 2002 4 2 3 37 Visit site Nov 19, 2002 #10 Often in italy there's metal concerts,not in asia.