Symphorce Interview posted (yup, with PP ?s too), Sonata Arctica photos posted, etc


Photo Mistress
The interview I did with Cede recently includes some stuff about playing ProgPower last year, so yes, that's why I am posting about it here. :D I posted it on my website today along with a bunch of other interviews, new and old (new - Eldritch, Biomechanical. older yet some are newer - Amon Amarth, King Diamond, Manowar, Primordial, Sonata Arctica and Strapping Young Lad).

I also was able to shoot photos of three separate gigs of Sonata Arctica (all the California dates). Now, they are no way going to be like Todd's as I don't have the same lighting conditions nor do I have a SUPER high end camera (hehe, one day dammit!), but they came out okay I think. San Francisco gig was nearly impossible to do as we don't have a photo pit and very little lighting, plus I get seriously injured from the surging crowd (although I wouldn't have lasted so long were it not for Curufin - thanks hun). Hollywood - I stayed in the back since I couldn't stand properly and they also have no pit - but the pics were cool for me because it gave a bigger look to all the lights. :D Santa Ana was by far the best for me - PHOTO PIT AND LIGHTS! WOOHOO! Maybe you guys will enjoy them. I had quite a few people from this forum asking about them, so here they are!

Go to to see this stuffs, by the way.

Have fun!!!!!!!! :headbang:
Thanks Squeak! Hope you don't mind if I nick it and take it on the road to all the happy websites you can find SYMPHORCE on! See you in Sept? hope so,, any chance you are coming to the DT show at Pantages? hugz, Kristy
@ kristy - sure, go right ahead and copy that to whole post thing to wherever you think it may help. :) Myspace, even! HAHA I'm glad ya like it. He's really funny. You can even tell that over an email interview, ya know? I knew that anyhow, but it's nice that it can show through in an interview online as well so other people who haven't talked to or met him can see him that way, too.
Yeah, that crowd was kinda crazy at the SF show. I'd hate to see what it would've been like had I not been there to shield you from most of the insanity. Guess it's better just not to think about that. :)
kittybeast said:
Thanks Squeak! Hope you don't mind if I nick it and take it on the road to all the happy websites you can find SYMPHORCE on! See you in Sept? hope so,, any chance you are coming to the DT show at Pantages? hugz, Kristy

Hey Kristy!

You can check out my interview with Cede as well at I even plugged your site!
@ Andy - I notice you also had a short Nocturnal Rites interview with Norberg - cool that you were able to snag him for one. But one question - they ARE playing in Chicago in April and was annouced at the middle of January. So they are playing here. :) Did you not know yet about it to put it in there? Also, are you going to that gig? It's about time we got them to the States - been too long in coming, ya know? I'm really excited about it.
Squeak said:
@ Andy - I notice you also had a short Nocturnal Rites interview with Norberg - cool that you were able to snag him for one. But one question - they ARE playing in Chicago in April and was annouced at the middle of January. So they are playing here. :) Did you not know yet about it to put it in there? Also, are you going to that gig? It's about time we got them to the States - been too long in coming, ya know? I'm really excited about it.

Hey Squeak!

Actually that was another writer (Dale Lammers) who got to do the Noctural Rites iterview. I was fully planning to go see them in Chicago until the opportunity to see Joe Lynn Turner in San Antonio came up the same weekend. It was a tough choice, but JLT's a legend and NR are a young upcoming band that is bound to return to the US again. Dale's interview did mention that they plan to tour the States more and Century Media is behind them doing it, so it seems likely I'll have a chance to see them again soon as opposed to JLT.