Synth driven metal choon


Sep 7, 2009
Manchester, UK
Hey guys, rough mix.mp3

This is my first mix of a song that is going to be on my band's first EP.
Looking for criticism and suggestions, bearing in mind I haven't put any effects on vocals yet because I'm mixing it at my friends house who has lovely mackie monitors and haven't had time today.

Nothing on the master bus either so you might have to crank your speakers a little to hear it!

I think the kick drum needs more low end. When the rest of the instruments kick in after the keys intro theres just not enough impact.
Also bring the bass guitar up slightly I think. The vocals could do with some more verb/delay to help them sit in the mix a bit more, and maybe bring down the overall level because they are just overbearing at times. You could also try compressing the fuck out of them because the vocal style is consistent throughout so it would make sense to have it at the same level throughout and then you can get the level right without having to take more energy from the guitars/snare
Sounds really heavy man. The guitars are a little trebly, but it definitely works for the genre. I'd say maybe turn the synths down a little, and the vocals are pretty covered. What I usually do is make an instruments bus, and vocals bus. I cut the instruments around 1k-2k and boost the vocals there so they have a place to fit.