

Jul 2, 2003
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We have a trash/prog/doom metal-band from Faeroe Islands, which is where I'm from, called Týr.
They deal a lot with nordic mythology and traditional lyrics/ballads about hero's and vikings, called "kvæði" on faeroese ("kvad" on danish).
They did a song called "Ormurin Langi"(The biggest viking ship ever built) about king Olav who lost Norway in a great battle. IMO the song is kickass, the live version is better though. They sing on faeroese in that song, which adds a lot to the viking feeling. On any other song they sing english and sometimes danish.

So, I was wondering, does anyone ,besides me, know of them?
And does anyone care? my msn is mardypeking@msn.com if anyone wants the live version of Ormurin Langi, which IMO is very good.

band site:

mp3's from their first album:

new album:

Song recommendations: The Edge (get this one first), Ormurin Langi (especially the live version), the album Eric the Red ( which I can send some mp3's of through MSN)
eh... decent soundin stuff but uhh.... are all there songs that fuckin long and slow?
cuz damn. its one thing to have like 1 of 2 slow songs on an album that are FUCKING LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG and its another thing to make EVERY FUCKIN SONG foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever long and super slooooooooow. jeez...
they got a decent soundin style and stuff but maybe they should speed it up a lil bit?
i dunno, thats just me....
if you have a long song and its fast thats cool cuz the time goes by but when its slow like that your just sitting around waiting for someting to happen... then it doesnt.... and then its over.... after a long wait its over...
and thats all i got to say about that.
Hey Mardy va faen laver du her heheh. Jeg kan godt huske du sendte mig et Tyr nummer på MSN, det lød syret men helt ok.
Patric said:
Hey Mardy va faen laver du her heheh. Jeg kan godt huske du sendte mig et Tyr nummer på MSN, det lød syret men helt ok.

Ha ha, hej Patric! Tjae, jeg er ude og promovere noget færøsk metal...

AxeofDarkness: Well, not all songs are slow. Mainly mid-tempo and some fast ones, like Ramund hin Unge. I raelly haven't heard many songs from their first album though.
thats cool, the edge was the fastest soundin one i herd. i like that hail to the hammer one, sounds like a song id listen to on a long car ride passin the misty fog coming off a lake on my way to work in the morning.
Videos were awesome, I will try and buy the cd. Guess one has to have lived thru Europe's history/landscape to catch the meaning of songs such as these. Just my opinion.
Min nyktra verkligheten och fullständigt såga med videor, jag har frysat ända in i märgen (ever get that feeling??) . Ah skål !!
I guess to know those Euro landscapes you wouldn't be a Dane, we're flat as a pancake over here and unlike the Norwegians we don't have to dress in steel armour just to go outside to get some shit at the Deli's...
Patric said:
I guess to know those Euro landscapes you wouldn't be a Dane, we're flat as a pancake over here and unlike the Norwegians we don't have to dress in steel armour just to go outside to get some shit at the Deli's...
Haha, very true...though wearing steel armour in the snow and cold isnt exactly ideal ;)
trash 'n' doom, well I had some difficulty of describing it, so...but there hints of it in places. Have you heard the whole album?