T-shirt question


Technicolor Orgasm
:erk: I ordered my shirt on December 19th, and haven't gotten it yet...How long does it usually take? Does anyone know? I'm in Pittsburgh, PA...... I wasn't sure if it should have been here yet or not. I know getting stuff from Albany, NY it takes two days, so i was assuming about a week for this... If anyone has any ideas on how long it would be, i would appreciate it :D
You have to keep in mind that this is the busiest time of year for the post office, so things can get delayed. But maybe they haven't actually sent it. Patience...it's worth it. :)
I have no patience. Well, I have a little bit....but not much. and i can't use it all up on this.

Toby said that he thought that he was told it was sent, so maybe its slow because of Xmas and Channukah and Kwanzaa. I hope it gets here soon!
Mail is slow right now. I'm still waiting on a parcel that I should have gotten two weeks ago but scuz of mail, it still aint here. Hopefully today.