Taking Pix at Gigs


New Metal Member
Oct 27, 2008
Here's a question - not knowing who to throw it at - when I blog (as in http://sixtamesides.blogspot.com) I tend to put pix on as in (http://mossleysmiffy.jalbum.net/) - at most gigs however I'm reduced to sh*tty compact as in http://sixtamesides.blogspot.com/2008/09/busy-sunday-part-1-dragonforce-turisas.html - anyone know owt about Satan's Hollow ? Cus I'd love to bring the big bugger - with big bugger lens - I mostly do football but I'd love to do a gig with the right equipment .. and if anyone "official" is reading - I make no money out of my pix - and would happily hand over copyright etc to band - and I do have £2million public liability insurance (need it for Conference level football)

Do I contact venue/promoter/band ?? Or do I relax and watch the band ...
It's pretty much never an issue at smaller club gigs mate.

If you're worried about it, contact the PQ management and make sure you have the OK from them for that show. Common practice is no flash photography, and limit it to the first three songs.
Have today received e-mail from Lars @ Intromental giving the thumbs up - so it's bye bye Finepix A300 and hello Canon EOS 20D with either 70-200 or 24-60 f2.8 (I'll take both ... ooh anorak time :lol:) apparently Steve will be letting the venue know (hope he's been told !) - so - for Power Metal Dom amongst others - I'll give it my best shot for some gigpix next Monday :headbang:
anyone got an gig photos yet

can someone post some up please:kickass:


Found some here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?page=2&aid=65694&id=513446009

Alessio's face always makes me lol. How come you're not playing at some gigs Kiwi Steve?