Tales of Symphonia looks pretty awesome


May 2, 2001
Finally, the Gamecube has an RPG that I have moderate interest in and it's a Tales game no less, which means fun, non-menu-driven combat! And, it's due to be released on the 13th of July so there isn't even much wait from this point. Hopefully this will satiate my long-standing need for a good RPG.

Videos can be found here and here.
I haven't seen the videos yet, but have you ever played Skies of Arcadia (originally on Dreamcast, I think)? I thought that was an excellent RPG. =)
Nein. I want to, but it's rather expensive 'round these parts. So I guess there are two Gamecube RPGs in which I have moderate interest. I bet ToS will retail at a crazy price too, which will most likely render me unable to play it. Amazon.ca is listing it as $69.99, and that doesn't bode well.
$69.99? Damn. GC titles are usually quite cheap. Try play.com (I think it's down right now though). Amazon.com is listing it as $49.99, I don't know why amazon.ca is being such a rip-off.
yaes...I'm looking forward to this game. Supposedly has a deep and involving story despite the cel-shaded cutesy graphics.
Hooray, when I was at EB Games today getting Spider-man 2 for semi-free, I asked how much Symphonia will be and the guy said $54.99, which is pretty reasonable. Take that, Amazon.ca.
Yeah, but in US monies. It'll be way cheaper for me to get it at $54.99 Canadian than $49.99 US + shipping. Damn you and your valuable currency! Either way, it will be mine.
Oh. For some reason, I always thought you were American (don't take offence to that). By the way, my currency (£) is very valuable :p

[Edit: haha I thought amazon.ca was Californian amazon or something, I'm a total retard]
I remember when Nintendo was the place to be for great console RPGs, seems like everyone jumped ship to Sony once Final Fantasy VII was released.
The SNES was the best RPG console easily. But damn, Gamecube suxxorz in the RPG department. Hopefully ToS will change that.
Update to thread title: Tales of Symphonia IS REALLY awesome. In four days I've played it for 28 hours... I have a problem. Unfortunately for me and every other Gamecube owner, however, it appears that the game may be getting released for PS2 after all, with extra features added. Boourns to that.
Man I forgot about the game and its released haha...man. I dunno if I have the patience to wait for a PS2 port tho :p, I'll end up picking it up when i get paid on monday I suppose...
The battle system is probably the most enjoyable in any RPG I've played, since it's real-time, which to me is much more fun than the point-click-and-watch style of many console RPGs. Each character has quite a large number of abilities overall, and two sets of abilities depending on which skill branch you lean towards. Combos factor pretty highly into the game as well, since you get experience bonuses and an increased chance of receiving items if you get high combos. Then there are the unison attacks where all four characters attack in succession, which look awesome while doing tons of damage (and there are even hidden skill combinations that result in extra crazy moves). The AI is quite good too, and you have lots of customization over their behaviour.

The game has huge replay value as well, since you can buy special bonuses (like EXP x 2) on successive plays and there are some sidequests that practically require you to complete them on successive plays since they are extremely hard on the first playthrough.
I went to three stores on Tuesday and the damn thing was sold out everywhere. I subsequently rented it and its a gorgeous game for sure. I havent got very far (barely past the first dungeon), but it definitly looks like something I could dig my teeth into. The battle system keeps you interested too, it doesnt get as tedious as typical turn based RPGs (though I have no problem with them). Only thing I kinda dislike is the lack of control I feel I have over the other characters in battle. Its still cool without a doubt though.