...let me qualify my last post...
"Took place" in his head. I can't remember the exact wording, but if one perceives something to be real, then it is real. No matter how far from the actual "event" taking place, perception makes it justifiably real in the person's reality. This was a lengthy subject matter in a Sociology class I had a couple years back (I was an Accounting major, so any Sociology majors please step in and elaborate please.), and this subject matter was very intriquing, even to an Accounting major who, before this explanation, never really looked that deep into that thought process. It just makes you (me) wonder how far people go into their own minds and cannot distinguish between "their own reality" and the overall "concrete reality" around them.
...and how intriquing this makes for reading - whether concocted in one's head or genuinely "realized" in their mind.
(I climb down from this soapbox, ducking all rotten tomatoes, eggs, and batteries.)