Tank Space/Lance Lazer

The Amazer

Mar 31, 2003

well I've updated my site, with a few changes.

First of all, I'm changing the name of the project from Tank Space to Lance Lazer... cos I'm not in a band, so I might as well go the LL instead. And I got a cool new logo for it as well which I'm psyched about.

The site also has links to lyrixx and mp3 downloads now which is cool, no more having to sign up for soundclick! There are currently 2 songs available, and I'm not sure if I'll make any more available in the future.

You can also go directly to the mp3s by going here:


Anywho, just thought I'd let you all know if you wanna check it out.

P.S No, I haven't legally changed my name yet. It's trickier to do so in South Australia than Victoria, and I'm still only getting myself set up here at the mo. But I will do it :D
Well, I'll admit I'm rather impressed all around, Cedyn. I wasn't expecting anything flash, and it was more of a morbid curiosity to see how bad it would be that drove me there, but knock me down with a feather if I don't actually, genuinely like what you've done.

The songs are great. The sould like what you'd expect from a guy in his bedroom, but I think that just adds to them. I like them a lot. Put me down for an album if/when you get one done.