Tape Transfers: Impart that analog warmth!


Aug 2, 2009
I'm offering the chance for you to have your tracks and songs run through Ampex 456 1/4" tape on a new condition Otari MX5050 through Apogee converters for the small price of $5 per song or track! The difference it makes is incredible. Below are some clips of the difference I am talking about. Tape is expensive as can be here in Nashville so the price must stay high. If you do a full album of transfer, I can go lower. Paypal payment only. Please email at JacobVeal@hotmail.com

No Tape:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3566975/NO TAPE.mp3

With Tape:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3566975/WITH TAPE.mp3