Tarot - Suffer Our Pleasures
Metal Blade Records - 3984-14488-2 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse
Possibly the Finnish metal scene's best kept secret, Tarot have been releasing aggressive, traditional heavy metal platters of admirably consistent quality for quite some time now. This, their sixth album, is their first in five years, a lengthy gap no doubt necessitated by bassist/vocalist/acoustic guitarist Marco Hietala's other duties in Nightwish. They've never really achieved too much international success or acclaim, but when this disc was released it hit number 10 in the Finnish album charts. So, what's it like?
Well, it's possibly one of the best traditional metal albums of the last decade or so. From the aggressive, gruff vocal style (rather like a less annoying version of that Chris Boltendahl bloke from Grave Digger) to the never less than crunchingly heavy guitar riffs, to the odd progressive colourings... it all adds up to an immensely satisfying headbanger's album. Opener 'I Rule' is a straight-off-the-starting blocks, balls-out bruiser of a track, full of spikes-and-leather attitude. Album highlight 'From The Shadows' begins with a country music-like intro, before turning into a high-velocity killer of a track, which gives each member a quick solo part before heading back to the crunch.
The production is crisp and clean, leaving the guitars dirty enough to sound convincingly heavy while giving the admirably restrained keyboards ample room to breathe. The performances are flawless, the songs consistent in their quality, and the overall effect is one of sweaty, metal-salute-demanding intensity. Great stuff.
Tarot Official Website
Metal Blade Website
Metal Blade Records - 3984-14488-2 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse

Possibly the Finnish metal scene's best kept secret, Tarot have been releasing aggressive, traditional heavy metal platters of admirably consistent quality for quite some time now. This, their sixth album, is their first in five years, a lengthy gap no doubt necessitated by bassist/vocalist/acoustic guitarist Marco Hietala's other duties in Nightwish. They've never really achieved too much international success or acclaim, but when this disc was released it hit number 10 in the Finnish album charts. So, what's it like?
Well, it's possibly one of the best traditional metal albums of the last decade or so. From the aggressive, gruff vocal style (rather like a less annoying version of that Chris Boltendahl bloke from Grave Digger) to the never less than crunchingly heavy guitar riffs, to the odd progressive colourings... it all adds up to an immensely satisfying headbanger's album. Opener 'I Rule' is a straight-off-the-starting blocks, balls-out bruiser of a track, full of spikes-and-leather attitude. Album highlight 'From The Shadows' begins with a country music-like intro, before turning into a high-velocity killer of a track, which gives each member a quick solo part before heading back to the crunch.
The production is crisp and clean, leaving the guitars dirty enough to sound convincingly heavy while giving the admirably restrained keyboards ample room to breathe. The performances are flawless, the songs consistent in their quality, and the overall effect is one of sweaty, metal-salute-demanding intensity. Great stuff.
Tarot Official Website
Metal Blade Website