Tarot albums in the US


New Metal Member
Sep 10, 2003
Houghton, MI
A friend of mine got me into Tarot (the band) recently but the only music I have is the samples from their website. I really like what I've heard but the only album I can find to order online is Suffer our Pleasures, which had the worst samples IMO.

I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can get any of their older stuff. Basically, any site that carries Tarot albums other than Suffer our Pleasures or the best of album. It can be Finnish if I can fill out the order form and they ship to the US.
trust me, you dont want to pay full price for tarot albums. I got suffer our pleasures on ebay for like $6 which felt right. Its a decent band, but nothing too special, most of the album is prety boring, 2 or 3 good songs. Id say look on ebay or half.com

amazon might have some used ones. Dont pay full price for them tho.