Tax havens: Super-rich 'hiding' at least $21tn

What solution ?
Kill them all, take the money and give every Earthling few hundred bucks per month for a year ?

(sarcasm warning)
Lol, I was thinking more like start taxing them :D It's also mentioned in the story. For a comparison, even the lowest estimation ($21 trillion/€17 trillion = 17 000 billion euros) of that sum is 24 times the money EU is planning (700 billion euros) for the EU crisis fund to save the banks in Greece, Spain etc. And this is taken from the normal tax paying people.
If you think you can tax the rich, you better think again.
As long as tax havens exist there is almost nothing that holds them down to live in a country that wants to take (in their opinion) too much for the service that the country offers to them.
The thing that pisses me off most about this is the US govt has decided to implement 2 major tax laws (FACTA & FBAR) that effect expats. It double taxes anyone that makes over $100kUS outside of the country. Requires you to play tax on foreign retirement accounts as though it had been cashed out each year. Pay for fluctuations in value of property and assets based on US currency, whether you exercise them or not. And puts the potential of a felony with extradition on someone who doesn't comply. They claim it was set in place to catch money launderer's and RICO offenders, but its mostly being enforce on the middle of the tax bracket expat.

The kicker, trust fundies are excluded.