(Taylord) Protone Bulb Overdrive Deluxe/Toontrack Metal! Test


Aug 21, 2012
Hey guys, so a couple weeks ago my friends surprised me with an awesome gift. The Bulb Overdrive Deluxe pedal! It sounds awesome and works really well in front of the Axefx II. I kicked on the attack switch about halfway through the clip to show how much it makes the notes pop out.

Today I also got Toontrack's new Metal! EZX and wanted to try it out in the clip. Like Metal Machine, it sounds pretty sweet out of the box and has a lot of great samples to add to your library.

Hope you guys dig!
Check the cymbals, they sound like noise, I would say this is the weak spot that jumps out. Then guitars might be too mid heavy, I would make them more balanced. After these the mix should be clearer to pinpoint the next area to focus on.