TC Electronic Finalizer - Who all here is using one? What do you think?

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
Off the top of my head, people here who use the Finalizer are Andy, James (Murphy), Lasse, James (TheShred). I think there are a few others who own one and don't actually use it that much.

My question is, how are you all using it? Are you using the soft clipping? The multiband comp? The limiter? all three of those? Is most of your volume coming from the finalizer or something else?

Now, I know a lot of other people speak badly about the Finalizer. Actually, this is the only forum I know of where people use it and praise it. It is a rather old piece of equipment after all, and it's just software inside a hardware box... BUT results are what matters to me, and guys like Sneap and Murphy are definitely getting good results with it.

So, I'm just wondering... is it worth it? Can you achieve better sounding masters with it than you can with newer software technologies (like Slate's FG-X)?

I get by pretty decently right now using Ozone 4, but I have the money to buy a Finalizer. I guess what I'm wondering is, what do you all think is a better buy TODAY? Will something like FG-X get you there, or do you think saving up and getting the Finalizer is the better option?