TDWP tone test CHECK IT

Compress the fuck out of the room mics and bring them up a bit. It needs more of a sense of space and depth and room mics will solve that. Not too much if you're going for a really similar sounding mix, use a more artificial sounding reverb on snare and toms to create some atmosphere instead. But yeah, still, blend in more room mic. High-pass them at like 200hz tops, compress the fuck out of them, turn up, done.

Edit the guitars as well and you'll get 100x closer to the TDWP sound. That or just retrack them tighter and then gate the fuck out of them, cos without a good performance, a good mix won't matter for shit.
well, your playing wasn't crazy tight, but the tone was nearly spot tone on for that band. the drums sounded pretty flat, but as far as guitar tone goes, your sounding pretty good. Just play a bit tighter, throw a gate on, and your good to go.
Guitars sound good, drums are a bit bland(imo), turn the guitars down abit maybe? and i totaly get what Xrated means about the whole thing having to space, happens to my stuff aswell..
No offence to the original poster whatsoever, but is this REALLY close enough to the original guitar tone to warrant begging for a pod patch?

I hope you don't think I'm being an absolute prick, but the whole asking for patches thing is getting a bit ridiculous when it's something of this quality. I'm sure you could quite easily get just as close by messing around with settings for about 2 minutes...

Again sorry for being a wanker :p
No offence to the original poster whatsoever, but is this REALLY close enough to the original guitar tone to warrant begging for a pod patch?

I hope you don't think I'm being an absolute prick, but the whole asking for patches thing is getting a bit ridiculous when it's something of this quality. I'm sure you could quite easily get just as close by messing around with settings for about 2 minutes...

Again sorry for being a wanker :p

no offense taken man and thanks for all the tips so far guys..i definitely didn't play as tight as i would if i was seriously tracking it was just a rough thing thrown together to see if i was heading in right direction. I'll take all tips into consideration and up a more serious approach here sometime in the next day or so.
Yeah like other people I'd highly suggest a lot more gating, as a LOT of this sort of sound comes from getting the guitars bass and kick exactly in time with eachother. Also edit the shite out of it so that everything sits perfectly together.

Maybe try a tad less gain on the guitars. What settings are you using? Do you have the Metal pack?

I might spend half an hour or so later on trying to do this same little song snippet and see how it turns out just to compare :p
Sorry if I've completely derailed your thread dude.

Yeah it is pumping quite a bit, I only spent about 25 minutes doing it, was just a bit of a mess around 'cos it sounded like fun.

There's nothing even slightly special going on in the clip I posted.

Guitars - EMG 81 into firepod.

1 track on each side.

Pod farm with Screamer, Treadplate amp, treadplate cab and condenser mic.

Little bit of EQ in cubase, just high and low pass.

Drums -

Kick - Slate kick 10 Z1

Snare - Slate snare 12A Z1

Cymbals are just the slate preset "cracky metal kit" With a bit of a high shelf boost.

That's pretty much it.

Master bus had a limiter and a clipper. Nothing special, just too much which is why it's pumping so much.
can you upload the patch of pod please?that sounds really good!!and do yu apply post processing to the snare?thank you a lot again..
Sorry if I've completely derailed your thread dude.

Yeah it is pumping quite a bit, I only spent about 25 minutes doing it, was just a bit of a mess around 'cos it sounded like fun.

There's nothing even slightly special going on in the clip I posted.

Guitars - EMG 81 into firepod.

1 track on each side.

Pod farm with Screamer, Treadplate amp, treadplate cab and condenser mic.

Little bit of EQ in cubase, just high and low pass.

Drums -

Kick - Slate kick 10 Z1

Snare - Slate snare 12A Z1

Cymbals are just the slate preset "cracky metal kit" With a bit of a high shelf boost.

That's pretty much it.

Master bus had a limiter and a clipper. Nothing special, just too much which is why it's pumping so much.

its all cool man i'm definitely gonna do a better take. and i've read how to before but maybe you have a more in depth way to get the reverse reverb tail effect on the guitar when it comes back in on breakdown? i can't quite seem to nail it