Tea Party as a Prog Band??


Sep 9, 2003
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Just was listening to the Tea Party today, and was wondering if everyone was as much into them as I was-- I saw them 10 years ago on the first and only tour of the States..Its such a shame they can't even get their albums distributed down here-- They would be a perfect candidate for ProgPower in my opinion-- What do you all think??
Being from Canada, they come to my city usually at least once a year and I've seen the 5 times. Good band to be sure, but I'd much rather see more traditional Prog/Power bands at the festival.
It's not like bands like Into eternity, Pink Cream 69, Mercenary really fit the Prog/power classification but they have/are scheduled to play. I think they'd bring a unique presence to any festival.
I LOVE THE TEA PARTY! They usually do shows over the border in Buffalo a couple times a year.

I'd love to see them at Progpower. Alot of people don't see them as prog, but to me the qualify as "A Canadian Trio" and to me - that's prog!!!!!
I love the Tea Party as well, think they should play ProgPower.
First time I saw them & heard their music was around 97 ( I think) when they were touring as the support band for Queensryche. I never heard them before, but they put me under a spell with some electric and acoustic versions of Edges of twilight songs. I was ready to go home after that, because their performance blew me away and I did not feel like seeing Queensryche anymore after that. Then I went looking for their albums and bought me a copy of Alhambra- acoustic versions of Edges of twilight in there- and I love it and cherish it up to this very day!

I think there are a lot of paralels in their music and that of Orphaned Land -who are playing at the festival this year. I got their singer -Kobi- into the music of TP, by playing the Alhambra album. He is a total fan as well now.
The instruments they use are the same as OL uses and the music sounds very oriental as well, they have an authentic oriental sound- and that is quite something since they are from Canada.

Funny thing is, that when I was at an OL gig in Istanbul the support band played a cover of TP, it was the grand bazaar. That was a bizarre experience!
Cool posting Morticia

Ever pick up the special version of Triptych with the Al'Hambra'dized other songs? (Sister Awake, Save Me, The River, and orchestral version of Psychopomp, as well as a cover of Pentangle's "A Woman Like You", plus the Rhys Fulber remix of Temptation)
I agree-- cool post Morticia.. I have some DAT's from the Tea Party shows over in Europe when they opened for Queensryche and was blown away at how good they still sounded live.. That was not QR's best tour, for sure! I also agree w/ the Orphaned Land comparison. Not sure if they are going to sell out and do an album w/ that Creed loser, but who cares?
I'd agree,,,TTP would be a cool, different kind of Prog act for PP..another I think which would be great would be I Mother Earth. Lot of fans who have never seen them unless they caught the tour they opened for Van Halen or Dream Theater which was 10+ years ago.

dhatchell said:
(snip) Not sure if they are going to sell out and do an album w/ that Creed loser, but who cares?

Nope, that plan was cancelled. The next Tea album will feature famed producer/songwriter/musician Daniel Lanois (also the guy who wrote "The Messenger"). The band will also be Daniel's backing musicians on HIS next album

Edit: Jeff Martin has a solo album coming out soon, called "Angel Dust"
I *love* TTP as well... I don't think they'd really fit at ProgPower, but I'm sure there'd be a lot of people who would love them anyway.

Damn, I gotta see those guys one day, but between ProgPower and my Marillion conventions, I haven't really had a chance... :/

I have never heard Tea Party before, but why in the world would a supposedly respectable metal want anything to do with any member of Creed? What kind of music is Tea Party and where could I find some samples or something?
I have been a fan of these guys for a while, I recorded a great Live gig they did for MuchMusic on a spring break a few years ago.

Great band, would like to see them at Progpower or any other U.S. date.