Team America: World Police

Well I could definitely see how this movie's humour is not for everyone. Those who would enjoy though will most likely love it.

Still I have to say Orgazmo is the best... man so great.

Stone, who is from Littleton, Colorado, agreed to talk about his hometown and the infamous high-school shooting there for Moore's anti-gun documentary "Bowling for Columbine."

"We have a very specific beef with Michael Moore," Stone said. "I did an interview, and he didn't mischaracterize me or anything I said in the movie. But what he did do was put this cartoon right after me that made it look like we did that cartoon."

Parker and Stone still harbor hard feelings about that sassy, anti-gun cartoon because they feel it was done in "South Park" style. They believe the proximity to Stone's interview misled some fans into thinking they had done the cartoon, even though Moore never said they did.

For this slight, Moore's punishment in "Team America" is extreme: he's depicted as a gibbering, overweight, hot-dog eating buffoon who straps explosives to his body to blow up the American do-gooders. The puppet was reportedly stuffed with ham when it blew.
I thought the serious moments were mostly there as a genre thing. Yeah, they were satirizing Bush & Co. However, there was also some major action-movie mockery going on so they had to throw in some elements of that genre.

What probably disappointed me the most was the use of "Montage." Yeah, it's a cool song and all. However, unlike "now you're a man," the song was used in its entirety during an episode of South Park. I'm greedy and want maximum DVDA damn it.

Oh and on the subject of Stone/Parker Bush mockery, a couple episodes of That's my Bush is on Comedy Central on Demand under Indesicion 2004.

And if someone hasn't seen Cannibal!, there's a good chance we'll be screening that while getting utterly trashed b/c my birthday is this week.
As Parker explained, "Unfortunately for Matt, what happened was we got the puppets back and we were like, 'That doesn't look like Matt Damon. He looks retarded -- dude, he looks totally retarded. What are we going to do?' We're like, 'Well, let's make him retarded... I really do sort of despise Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn way more. It's just how the Matt Damon puppet turned out. So, sorry, Matt."
thx. you're welcome to pop by. Greg's the infos, yo. I'd look into screening mis.c TV pilots and shit but I think my bro lost his copies...
There were some thoroughly enjoyable episodes of That's my Bush! and I am astounded that I didn't know that they were the work of Parker and Stone. As for Cannibal... man such an awesome awesome movie. Trey Parker looks so damn young in it too.


P.S. Sitting through Troma previews is only (semi) fun once. They suck after that one time.
They had another TV show... sort of. It only got to the pilot stage. THe idea was thecollege crew took on a certain historical situation and played it out their way.
Whoa, missed this thread. The barfing scene is some of the best comedy I've seen in years, and of course the AMERICA! FUCK YEAH! song is an instant classic.

Haha, the explanations of Moore's and Damon's treatment are hysterical! MATT DAMON.