Tear my mix apart


Jul 5, 2003
OK ppl I am drunk so I am posting a mix of my shit and I would appreciate ur opinions on it.

Drums are programmed, guitars 1 track each side from a dual recto, bass DI thro my dodgy digitech FX pedal.

OK the tracks are on my web site www.vitriolic1.com I reccomend the song My gift of disaster.... has to be my fave

Let me know what u guys think \m/
First off let me say that fundamentally it sounds decent for demo-purposes. Some constructive criticism:


A bit high in the mix IMO, plus the sound sucks. The vocal performance wasn't that bad but I'm guessing you used a dynamic mic of some kind? Try to get a hold of at least a decent condenser mic. The high end for one is lacking pretty severely on the vocaltracks.


The bass guitar is hardly audible. Were you going for that ...And justice for all-vibe? ;)

Is the bass just copying what the guitar is doing? Try to come up with some original lines for the bass as well, it is an instument in its own right you know. :)


Not bad, but you definitely need to double the tracks and fiddle a lot with the EQ. The guitarsound had a nice sharp quality to it but I'd pull back a tiny bit on the gain when doubling the tracks, thus bringing a bit more crunch to it.
The most criticism I can come up with is the site: it's too damn dark man. I don't know how high you have your monitor brightness set, but I could barely see anything and I'm sitting in a completely dark room, with no monitor glare.
He probably made his site using a Macintosh! I've got both a PC and Mac and graphics always show up darker on PC's than Macs. Why? I don't know. I had to adjust levels in Photoshop to get the graphics at my site to show decent on PC's!
sounds like metallica when the clean vox comes in... it's acceptable, I liked the song..the productio, as stated earlier, is fine for a demo...actually, it's better than some demos I heard :)

good job.
Burner said:
First off let me say that fundamentally it sounds decent for demo-purposes. Some constructive criticism:


A bit high in the mix IMO, plus the sound sucks. The vocal performance wasn't that bad but I'm guessing you used a dynamic mic of some kind? Try to get a hold of at least a decent condenser mic. The high end for one is lacking pretty severely on the vocaltracks.


The bass guitar is hardly audible. Were you going for that ...And justice for all-vibe? ;)

Is the bass just copying what the guitar is doing? Try to come up with some original lines for the bass as well, it is an instument in its own right you know. :)


Not bad, but you definitely need to double the tracks and fiddle a lot with the EQ. The guitarsound had a nice sharp quality to it but I'd pull back a tiny bit on the gain when doubling the tracks, thus bringing a bit more crunch to it.
Basically I am using this a demo while I get some musos together.

Your right about the vocals I used a dynamic mic, except on the bits where he sings I used a condenser however I EQd the shit outta it to give it that underproduced sound.

As for bass, I played the bass however Im not a bassist Im a guitarist so thats why there is no 'real bass' playing on the track. I find it pretty hard to mix bass. It has to be one of the hardest parts of mixing for me. I find that there is enough bass in that track on the stereos I have listened on. I really need a decent set of monitors so I can hear what the hell is going on down there.

Yeh I would love to get the guitar doubled and sounding huge, but I think that practically I needed just to get the tracks recorded so my potential band can hear what I'm doing and learn the stuff.
I have every intent to record with a proper drummer in the near future and spend a hell of a lot more time on producing and mixing.
morningstar said:
sounds like metallica when the clean vox comes in... it's acceptable, I liked the song..the productio, as stated earlier, is fine for a demo...actually, it's better than some demos I heard :)

good job.

Thanks, and yeh i reckon its better than a lot of demos ive heard.... especially considering the price $0 :D
TheDarkProject said:
The mix sounds fine to me except that the vocals seem to stick out a bit too much. What did you use for the drums, by the way?

I used fruity loops. The samples are a mixture of stuff i have. Kick is from my D4, snare is a mix of a D4 snare and my old drummers snare. Toms are from the D4 and cymbals are from drum kit from hell
that china sample is bad ass, didn't even realize the cymbals were fake until a second listen...

definitely want to double the guitars, i would suggest leaving the ones you have untouched, except turn them down a bit. on the doubled guitars, cut the hell out of the mids and you should get a sweet sound...

musically,it occurred to me that you should chop a lot of shit out because the listener always has A.D.D. and needs a change every 10 seconds. but then, obviously there's a shitload of fear factory influence there, so fuck it, don't cut it, but you NEED to add keyboards IMHO to make it work. cool, i like it, wish the sound was a little better so i could bump it in my car. good luck