Mix/Master my CD?

Here is my original version of the song in case anyone wants to listen to it. This is my mix (the best I could do) and my drum programing. The one this I really like is the vocals as the sound thick and smooth. I also like my kick sound.


Also, if anyone wants to give me feedback on my mix and drums please do.

Any questions please ask and thank you all for your time and effort so far.


I downloaded it from this link as the other one was taking a long time.

I like the little drum fill at the very beginning, nice. Some of the same things I said to Kazrog above would apply to your drums. I like to have crashes at each of the 6 parts of the first riff where the vocals are more emphasized at the end of each sentence. Also, maybe reverse what you did with the faster parts and the slower parts. Check out my original drums and you can tell what I am saying (I hope). Like the second riff that I feel should have a blast beat and then the riff after the chorus should have the double bass going.

Thanks for your time dude and I am interested in hearing what you can do next.

Thanks, Peter! I am going to be busy for a couple of days but I will send you an updated mix incorporating your suggestions as time permits.

Killer dude! Thanks so much. I am hoping to get something worked out with someone in the next few weeks to a month to work with for my whole CD. I just want to get the best I can and work with this song as a test case for everyone to spot-light their skills.

I mentioned that I like my original vocals on my mix. Here is a screen shot of what I used EQ, Reverb and Comp on my vocals. Also, see below for how I set the vocal track up (see below the image for tracking info):


This is exactly what I did with my vocals (I split the one vocal track into a stereo track so I had 2 vocal tracks:

1 Track panned left 35%
1 Track Panned Right 35%
1 track with a -05 pitch shift
1 track with no pitch shift
1 track starting at 00.000 seconds
1 track starting at 00.002 seconds

I thought I would post this incase anyone cares.


I just did a (very) quick test programming/mix/master. I know it´s too compressed and the bass drum is too loud etc.
But this is just to show you what could be done. I didn´t have a real amp set up because I am currently recording drums with another band but that way I could record some real cymbals quickly. :)

If you like it you can pm me.


I just did a (very) quick test programming/mix/master. I know it´s too compressed and the bass drum is too loud etc.
But this is just to show you what could be done. I didn´t have a real amp set up because I am currently recording drums with another band but that way I could record some real cymbals quickly. :)

If you like it you can pm me.


Very nice dude, I will PM you.

What did you use for the drums?

Just finished my mix
what do you think? I got all presets and stuff saved, i think vocals would need some more work but nothing i couldn't fix later.
If you got any wishes about the mix just write a PM and I'll change it in no time.

Edit: After refreshing my ears i think i'd make drums stand out more, they are bit hidden behind the wall of sound.
What did you use for the drums?

I played the cymbals live and programmed bass drum, snare and toms (very roughly).
The drums are my own pdp kit which I sampled a while ago. The snare is a mixture of an old Tama 6,5 Steel and the standard pdp wood snare which came with the kit. So nothing special going on there. :)
Just finished my mix
what do you think? I got all presets and stuff saved, i think vocals would need some more work but nothing i couldn't fix later.
If you got any wishes about the mix just write a PM and I'll change it in no time.

Edit: After refreshing my ears i think i'd make drums stand out more, they are bit hidden behind the wall of sound.

Very nice dude! I am still listening to everyones mixes and make a decision at some point in the coming weeks. I personaly like a clicky kick drum. I don't know I have been listening to so many mixes today my ears are going crazy.

I played the cymbals live and programmed bass drum, snare and toms (very roughly).
The drums are my own pdp kit which I sampled a while ago. The snare is a mixture of an old Tama 6,5 Steel and the standard pdp wood snare which came with the kit. So nothing special going on there. :)

I really like the sound of the snare on this mix. I can hear the kick drum but I do like it more clicky than bassy. Overall pretty good.

If anyone else is going to do a mix for me or anyone else is going to post a new mix see if you can follow Kazrog's drum mix at the 0:34 mark in the song. He did it totally different than I did and I love it.
Also, incase anyone cares...I would love to get a guitar sound like Diabolic's "Supreme Evil" CD. I thought I would through that out there for reference.

Updated mix:


Every aspect of this mix is improved in some way, from the vocals to the drums to the bass to the guitars. I've incorporated all of your suggestions with the drums and vocals, obsessively recreating all of your settings from your original vocal tracks (with nicer plugins of course) made the mix a bit brighter overall, and I've given it a proper mastering job.
Hey, updated my mix with drums as I wanted them to be, also some minor changes to guitars and bass, what do you think?
And as before, i mixed vocals separately from the rest so anything can be done with them later.

Updated mix:


Every aspect of this mix is improved in some way, from the vocals to the drums to the bass to the guitars. I've incorporated all of your suggestions with the drums and vocals, obsessively recreating all of your settings from your original vocal tracks (with nicer plugins of course) made the mix a bit brighter overall, and I've given it a proper mastering job.

God Damn dude, this is sick, I have only listened so far on my PC speakers and nice head phones (Beyerdynamic DT770) but I think we might have a winner....LOL I will check it out in my car and home stereo as well.

I realy like the vocals and the brightness and smothness of the overall track....WOW!

Drum program is great, just a could of things...At the begining during the first riff, the first 5 times at the end I would like just Kick and crash hits for the emphasized part at the end of each sentence. It is hard to tell but I "think" you have kick, snare and crash. Sounds like there is less power during the last two words in each sentence than I would like. You mix called (Bloodsoaked Test Kazrog 3 web.mp3) basicly had what Iam looking for minus the snare the first 5 times. I know my mix is pure crap compared to this but you can listen to mine (see a message or two above) to maybe hear what I am talking about. The 6th and last time played through the first riff where you come in with the double kicks is perfect the way it is, this is the part right before the scream.

The drums durring the chorus, each time I say "Grotesque", I would like there to be a Kick and Crash hit with no snare. I like the roll when I say "Grotesque Memories" but could you do Kick and Crash hits (4 times) to emphasized "Grotesque Memories"?

I think the only other place in the song regarding the drums would be at the 1:47 mark with the 4 quick breaks. Could you have only the Kick and Crash here as well?

I really only wanted to give feedback regarding the drum programming as I would need to listen to the mix a few more times on different systems before being able to say anything else.

But Kazrog....this is really killer dude, I just wish I could mix half this good.

In terms of mix and mastering how close would you say this is to what the final product would sound?

Thanks again Kazrog and I really look forward to hearing it with the the changes I mentioned. No rush and thanks again SO much.

Hey, updated my mix with drums as I wanted them to be, also some minor changes to guitars and bass, what do you think?
And as before, i mixed vocals separately from the rest so anything can be done with them later.

UPDATE: New mix, less sterile than last one i think:

Old one:

Hey Limak, nice job dude and much better than I could ever do. It sounds a bit muddy but then again I have been listening to Kazrog's killer mix for a while now...LOL

If you want to keep mixing and seeing what you can come up with just for your own practice and to get feedback from others here but I am leaning toards Kazrog for doing my CD. I have not made any final decisions yet but I jsut wanted to let you know.

Thanks again dude!
