Mix my song!!!

Thank you Bloodsoakd666!!!! if you or someone want something of that drums, just ask..... raw files or midi file....
Hey Let It Burn, i like your mix very much.... your guitars are awsome.... in my mix i've used the Curve EQ with your VH100 Cqs file.... but i couldn't take that "Pack v1".... what's the .cqs file you used in that guitars??? where i could find more Curve EQ impulses??

thank you all!!! :)
hey Bloodsoaked,

What kinda mic did you use? Also, did you try double or triple tracking the vox? I have in the past double tracked and on one of the tracks, I compressed the crap out of it, and ran it through the Revolver distortion, with just a very light distortion and blended that track with the vocals. You could also try to take the vocal track and put pitch shift with a +4 and +8 and also a -4 an d -8 to thicken them up.

I have a Behringer XM8500 Microphone (stop laughing). I have tried singing the vocals twice but and three times but on each take I am a bit off so it give it a not so good effect.

The pitchshift info sounds interesting.

I duplicated the vocal track in cubase. 1 track is centered and one is 45R or something and has less volume on it. The lead track is super-compressed and has an EQ boost around 3khz and Gclip.

The R track has a Waves 3-voice pitch shifter on it with 1 voice normal, 1 pitched low and one high. The 2 pitch shifted voices are 45 L and R in the stereo field and i added some delay on them in the pitch shifter plugin. This track also has some compression, Gclip and verb on it.

I grouped both tracks and put a little bit of verb on the buss-fader.

edit: the fade in and fade out on the cymbals is just a compressor on the OH track :)

Mother of God dude, for someone that knows crap about mixing that is a lot to take in. All I know is that it sounds great and the vocals KILL!!!

At the plug-ins you used free?

Any chance you would be willing to post jsut the vocal track so I can import it into my software? I am not sure if that will take away any of the work you did on them. I think they vocals are just insane.

I did a little work on my vocals as well and wanted to post a new mix incase anyone is interested.


Let me if you like the vocals or not.


Those guitars don't sound good, that's your biggest problem here. You can really hear that it's a v-amp or something. You have to look at the tracks in a frequency analyzer and iron out all the hesky peaks, and also the guitars are lacking anything from 5 khz and up. It's like there is one frequency that is present all the time, my advice is to disable the cabsimulation and put an impulse over it instead and re-record everything.

By putting an impulse I mean to record the guitar without cabsimulation, and put a software cabsimulation. You can download some impulses here on the forum which are recorded from real cabinets, so it will sound like you took your v-amp through a real amp and recorded it with a microphone ;) You will also need an impulse reverb program. Just google for SIR.
Mother of God dude, for someone that knows crap about mixing that is a lot to take in. All I know is that it sounds great and the vocals KILL!!!

At the plug-ins you used free?

Any chance you would be willing to post jsut the vocal track so I can import it into my software? I am not sure if that will take away any of the work you did on them. I think they vocals are just insane.

not at the moment because my internet connection is seriously limited when it comes to uploading and downloading files. I'll try it when I'm back at school :)
Those guitars don't sound good, that's your biggest problem here. You can really hear that it's a v-amp or something. You have to look at the tracks in a frequency analyzer and iron out all the hesky peaks, and also the guitars are lacking anything from 5 khz and up. It's like there is one frequency that is present all the time, my advice is to disable the cabsimulation and put an impulse over it instead and re-record everything.

By putting an impulse I mean to record the guitar without cabsimulation, and put a software cabsimulation. You can download some impulses here on the forum which are recorded from real cabinets, so it will sound like you took your v-amp through a real amp and recorded it with a microphone ;) You will also need an impulse reverb program. Just google for SIR.

Yeah, I am looking into the impulse way af recording.

What you say "the guitars are lacking anything from 5 khz and up" what exactly do you mean? If I look at my EQ plug-in it looks like this form left to right.

20, 100, 300, 700, 1k, 2k, 3,k, 5k, 7k, 10k, 15k, 20k.

So are you saying from 5k to 20k the guitars are lacking?

So are you saying from 5k to 20k the guitars are lacking?


Yes they don't sound good, but that's not your fault that's the v-amp. It just sounds really unnatural, the worst thing is that you get used to it, and think that guitars are supposed to sound like that. Trust me I know, I owned one a few years ago. You don't need to worry about it, just disable the cabsim, use an impulse and it will sound 10 times better. Then you can start EQ:ing them, and try to make them sit well in the mix by finding different frequencies for the drums, the bass, guitars and vocals. You have to separate everything. Start with the bass and the bassdrum, raise the bassguitar around 120Hz, and lower it on anything below 100Hz. Raise the bassdrum around 80Hz, and lower it around 120Hz. Also you should remove unnecessary frequencies on the various instruments that get buried in the mix anyway, and accentuate the "sweet" ones. Those frequencies should be different for every instrument. So say that you want to raise the vocal around 3kHz, because you think it sounds good, then you have to remove colliding frequencies on other instruments, you understand? A helpful tool is a frequency analyser.

These aren't rules, they are guidelines, feel free to break them and do your own thing when ever you feel necessary ;)

Here's my attempt. I've been working on this almost every night since the tracks were posted. I've been obsessed with it. Tweaking one thing after another. I've spent more time on this then I previously have on my own material it seems like. I've learned more about my host and processing in the process. It was fun but I can't tweak anymore. I had to cut out a lot of the original processing that I had because my low ram just can't handle it.

Here's my attempt. I've been working on this almost every night since the tracks were posted. I've been obsessed with it. Tweaking one thing after another. I've spent more time on this then I previously have on my own material it seems like. I've learned more about my host and processing in the process. It was fun but I can't tweak anymore. I had to cut out a lot of the original processing that I had because my low ram just can't handle it.

What up Radd? Not sure if I like it....LOL I know you put tons of work into it but, hmmmmmmmmmm.........

One thing I really do like it how everything sits in the mix. It seems like my guitars are way to load when I mix and you have everything sitting perfect. Maybe a bit loud with the drums.

What else can be done?

What up Radd? Not sure if I like it....LOL I know you put tons of work into it but, hmmmmmmmmmm.........

One thing I really do like it how everything sits in the mix. It seems like my guitars are way to load when I mix and you have everything sitting perfect. Maybe a bit loud with the drums.

What else can be done?


:lol: Yeah, I know, I tried. Rather amateurish. This is the first complete mix that I've done with my daw. My room is untreated as well so that probably isn't helping much either. And like I said my ram just can't handle the amount of processing that I feel I need.
It was a learning experience that's for sure.
Until I get a new computer, I don't think there is much more I can do.
You don't like the drums?

Your mixes are sounding much better by the way.
:lol: Yeah, I know, I tried. Rather amateurish. This is the first complete mix that I've done with my daw. My room is untreated as well so that probably isn't helping much either. And like I said my ram just can't handle the amount of processing that I feel I need.
It was a learning experience that's for sure.
Until I get a new computer, I don't think there is much more I can do.
You don't like the drums?

The drums seemed to be a bit loud or at least over powering everything else. But remember this is coming from someone that knows nothing about mixing....nothing!!!!

OK, I have downloaded the VoxengoBoogex Impulse plugin..........problem is;

When I load it for some reason it will not let me pan my guitars now. If I pan 100% right I get NO sound if I pan 100% left the volume gets louder and louder. Has anyone had this issue and if so any ideas how to fix it?

Or are there any other free impulse plugins anyone could recormend?

Thank you for your time,
You are probably using a mono channel, and a stereo version of boogex. Don't pan before Boogex, pan after it!