Technical death metal like Spawn of Possession?


May 14, 2012
Somewhere not cold enough
I'm extremely picky about death metal, but I'm looking for stuff with these qualities:

Extremely heavy
Complex but not stupid over "mathy" riffs
Complexity/depth in the composition and structure of the song as a whole
preferably no clean vocals

I really like Incurso, but I don't want to over-listen it. I also liked Fleshgod Apocalypse's latest. The most important thing is that I don't like riffs that don't flow because all the musicians are doing is showing off how far they can bend music theory.
Carcass' Heartwork album is the obvious one that springs to mind. And Death's Spiritual Healing.
You've probs got these already though.
^Those albums aren't anything like Incurso. They're good albums in their own right but nothing like the Baroque masterpieces that are Incurso and Noctambulant.

There's nothing quite like those SoP discs (that I can think of right now) but some stuff that's in the ballpark are Psycroptic's Scepter of the Ancients, Nile's Annihilation of the Wicked and Decrepit Birth's Diminishing Between Worlds.
Kinda hard to match SoP. Those dudes arent right in the head.
I listen to that stuff as a guitarist saying wtf is going on.
Not to mention the drummer/s are fucking retarded.
Seen the live clip of their fill in guitarist played a whole song blind folded? I just dont get it at all.

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^ Indeed, this. Good shit, thanks. Good 'narration' or however you put it, as far as the riffs flowing together to create a symphonic sound. Even so, not quite on the level of Incurso, but I am starting to see that Spawn of Possession is a unique thing which is not a bad thing at all. But this will hold me off so I don't overlisten to Incurso.