Techno Viking!

Yeah, I discovered soon after posting this that this was really old and I then I expected the replies received. It's still new to me and fucking funny, though.
Old, but still soooo awesome! :D

Techo Viking farted, and there was Chuck Norris!
couldn't care how old, this video was/is/will be mighty every time i see it...

the one with the subtitles where the offer of a bottle of water "pleases techno viking"
It's even more awesome synced with Beat It. It almost too synced to be a coincidence:

I met Techno Viking at a Goth festival in August (Mera Luna, Where Smy1 was playing).

I asked him if I could take a pic with him but he refused. I guess he was sick of being an Internet celebrity.

I met Techno Viking at a Goth festival in August (Mera Luna, Where Smy1 was playing).

I asked him if I could take a pic with him but he refused. I guess he was sick of being an Internet celebrity.


Hah! you really though techno viking lets mere mortal fools take a pic with him? :lol: