Technoise and/or Digital Hardcore

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I don't suppose there's much point in posting this here, but just in case anybody has anything for me, I'll proceed.

Does anybody have an good suggestions in the mentioned category?

I currently have Atomsmasher/Phantomsmasher and Curse of the Golden Vampire. I'm very interested in this stuff because I am sort of into recording and manipulating stuff on my computer. I'm thinking about getting Techno Animal 'Brotherhood of the Bomb'. This genre is a bit tricky because some bands really get into the hip hop thing. That's OK, but I'm more interested in the application of digital manipulation in heavy metal.

If you have suggestions, a description of the band would be appreciated.

At what level of noise manipulation are you thinking of? Ever heard of PPF? They're essentially noise manipulators that build a fucking trance like arena of music. Again, I emphasize 'trance' as opposed to all out brutal mayhem (if that's what you're after).

Anyway, npearce, I gotta say, these sounds they manipulate are fucking sickly and you might like it. Listen to a sample at their label website: Of course, having the real thing turned up loud always does the trick. It's like listening to the sounds of what goes through someone's head as they watch you slit open their stomach (in slow motion). I think that's what their music intends to do - it targets your gut and induces nausea.

The artwork is nice too, depicting the turn of the last century (artist is Louis Malteste). My CD comes in a comic book like package.

I'm listening to PPF right now. It's like a very subtle version of Halo or something. Not very harsh, but still worth checking out more. It's more along the lines of experimental music/sound than technoise. Good suggestion, JayKeeley.
npearce, you would probably dig the band GOD. It features Justin Broadrick and others. I saw two of the band's discs on eBay for pretty cheap, considering they are rare as hell.
npearce said:
I'm listening to PPF right now. It's like a very subtle version of Halo or something. Not very harsh, but still worth checking out more. It's more along the lines of experimental music/sound than technoise. Good suggestion, JayKeeley.
OK, cool. If you ever want it, let me know. I never listen to mine, and it's stupid to let it collect dust if you might get some enjoyment out of it.
JayKeeley said:
OK, cool. If you ever want it, let me know. I never listen to mine, and it's stupid to let it collect dust if you might get some enjoyment out of it.
I'll take it off your hands. Do you have any Swans yet? I REALLY think you would like Swans mid and late period stuff. It is SOOOOOOOOO good I can hardly stand it. Once you've heard their entire discography (whick is damn expensive . . . and I'm still missing parts here and there), you will realize how sickeningly good they are. I'm talking about a band that transcends metal, rock, folk, gothic, industrial, and whatever other influences can be found throughout their discography.

Anyway, I really want to send you a couple CDR's of Swans stuff. Probably either Various Failures (a 2 disc compilation of mid period stuff) or Love of Life and The Great Annihilator.

Would that be an acceptable trade? Even though they are CDR's. I don't really have any other CD's you would be that interested in trading for. Plus it is essential you hear Swans. ESSENTIAL!
Dude, listening to Esoteric right now. This is fucking grand. It's like Neurosis gone funeral doom. Just had to say it. Thanks for the recommendation Erik. I'm totally diggin' this. Much darker and powerful than I was expecting.
npearce said:
Anyway, I really want to send you a couple CDR's of Swans stuff. Probably either Various Failures (a 2 disc compilation of mid period stuff) or Love of Life and The Great Annihilator.

Would that be an acceptable trade?
Yeah absolutely. Do you still have my mailing address? I think I'll need yours again, so check your PM.