Techy, Dillinger style metal


Sep 22, 2010
Orlando, FL
I finally got around to recording the last couple songs from my old band. The music is....well it's weird and not for everyone, but if you're into nonsense-metal you might like it. I'm pretty happy with the overall production, except maybe a couple parts here and there. That's my fault for playing like shit, though. Anywho, here's the last metal production I've ever done/most likely will do.

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Hey! Free download of both songs!

We Are The Watchmaker

Fun fact that should probably go into a different thread:

One (maybe two) of my old bandmates are pissed that this was released. Apparently, the drummer started saying how we stole these songs and blah blah blah on his Facebook (he blocked me a long time ago so I can't see or comment). Of course the other guitarist wrote almost everything, including all the drum patterns, and anything that he or I didn't write was nixed. The only other recording is of a shitty demo that he's not playing on. Oh, and we broke up a year ago and in that time he and the other guy moved to Colorado.

Sorry about the rant. Enjoy some free music.
I agree with Ice Man. The vocals got some unpleasant spitty-sounding sibilance when at a low level, and a tad too loud.

Other than that the music and the mix is great:kickass:

...dammit. I should've asked for feedback way sooner, hahaha. Oh well, thanks for listening and giving a critique.

Holy hell ! The guitar sounds damn epic ! It'be awesome if you could upload the di tracks

If I can remember I'll upload the Cubase session for one of the songs tonight.

For reference, the gtrL is LTD m-400 (EMG's)->Maxon OD820->Laney VH100->Mesa 412 (not OS)->i5 & Samson VR88 ribbon->SCA N72 preamps

gtrR has a similar chain except the guitar is an Ibanez sz520 w/ Duncan Dimebucker and the amp is a Mesa 2 channel Triple Rec.

We now have a facebook page if you anyone wants to like us. We Are The Watchmaker
Nah, it's not that expensive. It is worth it, though.

Aaaaand I got angry, whiskey drunk last night and forgot to export the session file. Sunday's the next real chance I'll have time to do it. Sorry about that.
No problem man. :)