Ted Nugent rips on the Osbournes, the TV show

*is taken aback with surprise*

you did? Well then, that's cool... I think my pic IS on the Vintersorg forum or some shit...

I can? Well, yeah, I guess I eventually can.. whenever a), I get new ones, or b) I get some scanned... whatever comes first, I suppose... =P

The Nuge can say whatever he wants IMO, Ozzy is over, Zakk could've saved his integrity but didn't write anything for the new album, sorry Ozz, and besides, even though he didn't write the greatest songs, the madman absolutely kills!

Cheers and brews for all!<Aaron Death>
Originally posted by neal
fuck ted nugent. hes a redneck fuckwit. "i shoot bison with my bow and arrow!!" shut the fuck up jackass.

Someone call the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE! Fucking Libs, "oh gee golly guys, hunting is bad!" Since when? At least he could survive outside of a fucking city. haha And everone knows hunting is actually beneficial to the environment if done in moderation(which the Nuge does) and healthy for you if you eat what you kill, which the Nuge also does. Like I said, I am not the biggest fan of the Madman, but he is fucking amazingly talented and he speaks his mind,at least he is fucking honest, something that peolple aren't today, and he has more intelligence in his asshole than Sharon ever will.

And Fuck YEAH! I want to see an Iommi show, way more entertainment(as described by HippieofDoom)
Old Ted is a bit crazy, but he's a good flag waving patriot.

I hold his commentary as I would other politically active musicians, but I do share similar beliefs with him...

No tattoo pic. :(

Originally posted by AjDeath

Someone call the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE! Fucking Libs, "oh gee golly guys, hunting is bad!"

when did i say hunting was bad? way to jump to conclusions. all i said was that ted nugent is an idiot and i dont agree with most of the things i have ever heard him say. dick.
If you reread your post you can obviously see why I jumped to that conclusion, neal. And yes, I am a dickhead, I speak my mind and spout off whenever anyone says something I don't like, what is wrong with that? Ha ha. Truth Hurts is a good song by Pro Pain, maybe people should listen to it, it is off the album of the same title.
I don't like Punk, the Lyrics are from the Pro-Pain song Foul Taste Of Freedom. Check them out, certainly nothing like Death or or Death Metal, more like simple but effective mosh music. Or the only NY hardcore band I like because they do it extremely well.