TEE>>Check your mail box. The lyrics


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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have been sent. In 3 different mails.

NUmber ONE.....my fav cathedral lyrics

number 2

my fav electric wizard lyrics, and one high on fire lyrics (only one..yeah...youll see why when you check the mail

number 3.....teeth of lions rule the divine lyrics (only 3, cause thats how many songs they have hahahah)

:eek: ledmag, you're a Santa!!! almost all of them will be in my collection of devotion to melancholy. :D thanks a lot!!!
and two more SA fresh copies will arrive to Ravenna, still didn't go to the post office though. :o
metalized said I won't like EW. :s do you by any chance have spare copies of Deicide? LOL
Hey led>>> How about just one CD of mp3s from all SA albums?
Each album on a different folders. If you want the covers, they are on the web. Huh? Better to have all albums than two. ;)

shit, met, first you have to change the signature, secondly, it's not the same thing, the covers from the net, and blaaaah.... my life is being directed by a man. :Smug: LOL
1. I changed my sig. :)
2. It might be better if he has all the songs wout covers, than two albums w covers, but i think he would speak his mind, what he prefers. Won't you led?
3. By whom is your life directed? :err::err: :err: :confused:

Director's lust. LOL

Back to my linux now. Ajde bok za sada. ;)

PS Anyone knowing about linux?
I wanna try to setup a PDC server with e-mail, SMB, remote access, and a mean server all in all. I have SUSE 7.2 professional. Any help appreciated. :)
"... my mind to become dust... " :D

no, he won't get only Into The Depths Of Sorrow, capice, LOL, as I saw yesterday that we have all other originals.

lucky you for listening what you're listening. the atmosphere in the office is dingalingish again. :bah:

later. ;)

IT matters not how you guys send them. You 2 decide hahaha. 2 cd's, or all the songs in MP'3. I dont mind either way.

Well, EW, i like them. BUt as i said, they have only a few REAL doom songs.

I will send you guys the EBOOKS as well. There are books on how to work with linux on them. Plus the satanic bible, and around 3 to 4000 other books.

I only have Deicide on samplers, and only one song for each band on teh samplers hahahha.

DO you guys like really fucked up drone type, barley understand teh vox, with wierd noise and shit going on at the same time? Like fire noise, shaking, etc? If so, you may dig some of teh EW, but ill send you guys some of their stuff anyway, and you can decide for yourself. The new EW is like that.

I got teh new cathedral today :) seems very good so far. A bit more groove than doom, but shit its good.

So, you like Lee DOrians lyrics then? Cool, he is great.