Teh grym tr00 kvlt nekro-fuk BM thread

The Grimace

New Metal Member
Oct 21, 2004
North of the Valley, South of the Hills
My rant on Mayhem's 'DMDS' got me to bust out the old skool BM records today. Of course Mayhem was first on my playlist, 'DMDS' then 'Leipzig' then 'Deathcrush', I've already listened to 'HLTO' and 'DSEV' by Burzum (except for Tomhet, which get's a rare spin), now I'm half way through 'Under A Funeral Moon'. I've still got Ulver and Immortal to get through, and I may end up on an Abruptum trip before the night's out. :D

So, ok, talk about BM that you like from... let's say '90-'96, the trve scene. Favorite albums, songs, vocalists, yadda yadda.

No thread that ranges to '96 would be complete without a mention of Sacramentum- Far Away From the Sun. So, I'll mention it- Sacramentum- Far Away From the Sun fucking rules. It's what Dissucktion would be if they didn't play bland rock 'n roll.
Sacramentum is like Dissection lite. Take out all the fire and flavor out of Dissection and you get Sacramentum.

You can't talk tr00 or nvrco without mentioning Mutiilation. Their first two albums are some of the most dark, evil albums I've ever heard...
I'm gunna take this oportunity to mention Nazxul - Totem. Years ahead of it's time and still totaly unique fucking brutal fucking sick black metal.
crimsonfloyd said:
Sacramentum is like Dissection lite. Take out all the fire and flavor out of Dissection and you get Sacramentum.
So, writing bland rock with some BM distortion has more fire and flavor than Sacramentum? Interesting...
Apparently, cuz Sacramentum sound like they were bored to death while recording Far Away From the Sun. If you can't even give the impression that your passonate about your own music, how is it supposed to move me?
crimsonfloyd said:
Apparently, cuz Sacramentum sound like they were bored to death while recording Far Away From the Sun. If you can't even give the impression that your passonate about your own music, how is it supposed to move me?
Sacramentum... not sound passionate? Are we talking about the same band? The one who did "Blood Shall Be Spilled" and "Beyond All Horizons"? That's easily one of the most emotional, passionate albums I've ever heard.
From a technical standpoint, I'd say Sacramentum is a good bit better, but then they also never wrote 'Where Dead Angels Lie'. Notdveidt is just a really great songwriter, which is what I think draws all the "bland" criticism. The guy had an ear for good hooks, if not for particularly impressive riffs.
Nefandus - The Nightwinds Carried Our Names

Underrated black metal classic. Rereleased this year with the Behold the Hordes demo. Does anybody know where you can find a copy of the rerelease with Behold the Hordes?
I'm all about the classic norwegian black metal scene. It's basically what got me into wxtreme metal, and I've been following it closely for the last fifteen years. I also count myself extremely lucky that I've been alble to witness all the legends in concert.
My favorite albums got to be:

Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Gorgoroth - Antichrist
Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Immortal - Pure Holocaust (Absloute favorite!!!)
Immortal - Battles in the North
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone (For a melodic variation)
I think old Graveland is worth a mention, as it is a lot more interesting than some of those older Norwegian records.In the Glare of Burning Churches, Carpathian Wolves, Celtic Winter...I never realized how good they actually were until after a lot of spins.

Old Immortal is really good. Helheim's "Jormundgand" is really good, but I think 97's "Av Norron Aett takes the cake.
Bah, the best two Bathory albums miss out!

Regardless, I shall go with Hammerheart and Twilight of the Gods as being two of my favourite albums from this era.
Mayhem - DMDS
Dissection - The Somberlain
Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Summoning - Dol Guldur (i didnt want to like this album, but after about my 5th listen or so, i started to enjoy it heh)
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Burzum - HLTO
Mortuary Drape rarely gets a mention. I'll take this opportunity to recommend their first two albums, All the Witches Dance and in particular, Secret Sudaria.

Two of my absolute favourites from this time period are Beherit's Drawing Down the Moon and Bethlehem's Dictius Te Necare.

Some others that deserve to be mentioned:

Master's Hammer - Ritual
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee
Countess - Ad Maiorem Sathanae Gloriam
Abigor - Nachthymnen
Mysticum - In the Streams of Inferno
I've heard "Secret Sudaria" and found it very uninspiring. Varathron and Necromantia are both much stronger bands.
Somberlain said:
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee[/i]

I second this. An excellent peice of raw black metal tinged with dark ambient noises and quite different to the other releases in Blut Aus Nord's discography.

Cynical said:
Varathron and Necromantia are both much stronger bands.

How does Varathron compare with the latter band? I've read from a few sources that their debut, His Majesty at The Swamp is one of the best albums of greek black metal.