Teh grym tr00 kvlt nekro-fuk BM thread

I'd say that Varathron is quite a bit better than Necromantia. More "normal" instrumentation- as far as basic aesthetic, they sound almost like a slower Iron Maiden- but very atmospheric, and like Necromantia, create a very "seductive" aura. They're closer to "Crossing the Firey Path" era Necromantia than "Scarlet Evil Witching Black".

His Majesty at the Swamp is IMO *the* mediterranean BM album.
I dig Judas Iscariot's music very raw and brutal black metal. Behexen, Enochian Crescent and Satanic Warmaster play some crushing BM also! Man that Finnish
metal scene just keeps getting better and better each year!
Doomwatcher said:
I second this. An excellent peice of raw black metal tinged with dark ambient noises and quite different to the other releases in Blut Aus Nord's discography.

How does Varathron compare with the latter band? I've read from a few sources that their debut, His Majesty at The Swamp is one of the best albums of greek black metal.

Ultima Thuleé is very good, I agree.

Cynical described Varathron fairly well - His Majesty... oozes seductivity. I prefer Necromantia, but I think it's more down to subjectivity than anything, Varathron are certainly worthy of your time. Speaking of whom, I really need to get their new one.

I'll also add that, though it's not from 90-96, "Heidentum" by Wolfnacht is still my favourite Greek BM album though it doesn't really push any boundaries, there's something about it that really immerses me.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Ultima Thuleé is very good, I agree.

Cynical described Varathron fairly well - His Majesty... oozes seductivity. I prefer Necromantia, but I think it's more down to subjectivity than anything, Varathron are certainly worthy of your time. Speaking of whom, I really need to get their new one.

I'll also add that, though it's not from 90-96, "Heidentum" by Wolfnacht is still my favourite Greek BM album though it doesn't really push any boundaries, there's something about it that really immerses me.
Are there any US distros that have Crowsreign yet? The only one I've found is a greek distro that only accepts credit cards, and NO other means of payment- no cash, no checks. That's a real problem for people like me who order by sending a check in the mail because I don't have a credit card.
Yeah it takes about ten minutes to get good, the first half has too much heavy bass which makes me think of a bad hip hop beat. The second half shifts to a more lush atmospheric backgrounding, which is much more effective...
Dodens Grav said:
I can stand most of Varg's synth tracks, but that track was just absurd.
Actually, no, Werewolfthron, Facta Luquuntur, Asgardsrei, Totenlieder, and Raubritter are Absurd . :loco:
Guardian of Darkness said:
That was really bad :erk: go back to flaming people's tastes please
Why would I expect someone who likes Nokturnal Mortum to have the intelligence to understand humor?