Tell me about Twisted Sister (The band, not your next of kin)

That's actually about all I know of them :). I saw a clip of this song where the chorus is 'I want to rock' and it was fuckin funny as hell... classic glam-style shit haha. It started with some metalhead in high school getting lectured by a new real tight-ass teacher and the teacher saw him scribbling 'twisted sister' in his notebook so he yelled and asked 'what do you want to do with your life?!!' and the kid just sits there and turns into the lead singer of the band and scream 'I WANNA ROCK!'

ahahah... ahh man.. I love metal :)
Originally posted by Crimson Death
Please :)

Very 80s (as in, not timeless music) but far, far, far from the worst 80s metal band ever. The earlier in their career you go, the more 'metal' they are, but when a band sells literally millions of albums, it's hard to have that harder edged aggression... I mean what's left to be pissed about when you're rich?

They did have a glammy image but what the hell, you know? The band wasn't bad and had things like Burn In Hell (resurrected by Dimmu last album...) and We're Not Gonna Take It as signatures versus the Unskinny Bops and Girls Girls Girls that bands like Poison and Motley Crue had.
Twisted Sister kicked ass back in the days. Still remember buying "Stay Hungry" as a kid. I was in a riot for weeks listening to that album and especially to 'Burn in Hell'! Brilliant song! Their best album imho however is definitely their debut "Under the Blade". Fucking classic!
ive decided that twisted sister is worse than most glam bands after all because of A) less musical talent B) failing miserably at parodying glam and succeeding in just an ugly imitation C) dee snider beig a lame-ass dork. i want my cheesy rock to be made by actual partying fuckups. D) OMG what is with that captain howdy crap? E) retroactive sucking due to all the time dee snider spends hosting VH-1 fake countdowns to nothing special now. knowing what a tool dee is and how much practically all of their songs suck, i cant even get into 'we're not gonna take it' any more.