Temporary Peace

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Wow, just heard A Fine Day to Exit...Temporary Peace takes me to a place that I haven't been to in a long time. Amazing song.
I've been thinking of using at least part of Temporary Peace for my wedding ceremony (a renewal of vows). The ending describes perfectly my state of mind when I'm with my husband. I havent decided if I want to use the whole song, though.
Originally posted by LilliMnstr
I've been thinking of using at least part of Temporary Peace for my wedding ceremony (a renewal of vows). The ending describes perfectly my state of mind when I'm with my husband. I havent decided if I want to use the whole song, though.

;) remember to send Danny his royalties.
Originally posted by LilliMnstr
I've been thinking of using at least part of Temporary Peace for my wedding ceremony (a renewal of vows). The ending describes perfectly my state of mind when I'm with my husband. I havent decided if I want to use the whole song, though.

i can send you an acoustic version for you to use if you want. i'd play the wedding for you but its very far away!
Yeah.. "Temporary Peace" is one of the most beautiful, transcendental pieces of music I've ever heard... I listen to it all the time... to borrow a phrase... "Temporary Peace" is like "slipping the surly bonds of Earth and touching the face of God"...
The following section represents the most beautiful minute+ of music I have ever heard... it is lyrically brilliant as well....

Beyond this beautiful horizon
lies a dream for you and I
this tranquil scene is still unbroken
by the rumours in the sky
but there's a storm closing in
voices crying on the wind
the serenade is growing
colder breaks my soul
that tries to sing
and there's so many, many thoughts
when I try to go to sleep
but with you I start to feel
a sort of temporary peace
there's a drift in and out
Originally posted by The Beloved
Hey Danny, at last, you could dedicate yourself to weddings, birthdays and stuff if you are someday fired, you'd have a big success!!:lol:

Hey:mad: thats what I'm tryin to do. Im already booked for a wedding next year. I'll put you on my agency Danny!