Terrence Mckenna - Timewave Zero - JBroll chime in! :D


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
I don't know about you but I have a really hard time with prophecies, predictions and all that crap but I suddenly remembered something I saw a looong time ago. It's what seems to be a rather intelligent man named Terrence Mckenna who knows... some shit, or knew rather since he died in 2000 from a brain tumor. If you "want" to believe in some weird crazy shit like prophecies and stuff it seems as if this is the best stuff to believe in.

There is just something about the way he explains it that makes it seem kind of legit. He doesn't say he's been contacted by aliens or some crazy stuff like that, all he does is explaining his theory about a graph of time, showing novelty mapped out across a long timescale. Novelty can be seen as "newness" as in every time a big "new" thing happens, it can be seen on the graph. Such as the rise or fall of a huge empire and stuff can be considered as novelty, among other stuff. He seems to have found this timewave from the I-Ching (I know I know, it might not be the most dependable source to derive graphs from) but what's interesting is that the graph locks on so well with what has happened on our planet through time and that's all I need to find this interesting.

Watch this and you should definately watch part 2 and 3 as well. The first part has some crazy psychadelic colors though... I don't know who the hell came up with making that video but anyway.

And yes, I would love to hear Jeff's words about this theory! You're always good at debunking shit and pointing out obvious flaws that the rest of us mortals miss :)
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Watched, observed, and listened to every second after you showing me this on MSN.

Very interesting shit, and I've gathered one of my favorite quotes of all time from this work of genius..

"Our world is in crisis due to the absence of human consciousness."
The guy is a whack job IMO. I briefly got into him ten years ago while I was on a Nietzsche kick. Dude was basically a drugged up philosopher. Another one of them people that don't like reality, happens to have some education and thought LSD/acid/drugs could open some nonexistent door.

as for "prophecies" never saw a real one that wasn't some vague "prediction" that is bound to happen at some point in the sands of time. I'm telling you, the red mist will be the end of her city. It's going to happen!
The guy is a whack job IMO. I briefly got into him ten years ago while I was on a Nietzsche kick. Dude was basically a drugged up philosopher. Another one of them people that don't like reality, happens to have some education and thought LSD/acid/drugs could open some nonexistent door.

as for "prophecies" never saw a real one that wasn't some vague "prediction" that is bound to happen at some point in the sands of time. I'm telling you, the red mist will be the end of her city. It's going to happen!

Not really fair. Read his work on drug classification, and you'll see he wasn't some whack-job. I agree, he smoked a lot of weed, and came up with some whacky ideas. But other stuff he has written is very interesting.