Terrible news(Dimebag Darell killed)


Nov 30, 2004
I don't know how many of you here know of Dimebag Darrell former Pantera current Damageplan guitarist. He was shot and killed today, maybe his brother Vinnie Paul as well, reports are not yet confirmed. Look on the net for it it's all over news sites. RIP Diamond.
I just read it.. I'm shocked :( Don't know what to say..


Gunman kills 4 at Ohio nightclub
Police officer shoots suspect to death
Thursday, December 9, 2004 Posted: 4:56 AM EST (0956 GMT)

COLUMBUS, Ohio (CNN) -- A gunman stormed the stage during a heavy metal concert Wednesday night, open firing on members of the band and the audience, killing four people -- including at least one band member -- and wounding at least two others before a police officer shot and killed him, according to Columbus police.

Before he was shot, police said, the gunman grabbed a hostage and fired into the crowd as he held on to the person. It was not clear what happened to the hostage.

The attack happened shortly after the band, Damageplan, began its performance at the Alrosa Villa nightclub on Columbus' north end.

The gunman was "targeting members in the band," Sgt. Brent Mull said.

One of the wounded is in critical condition, and the other is hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, police said. Two others were injured in the incident and treated at the scene, although the nature of their injuries was not clear.

According to eyewitness accounts, the gunman initially shot the band's guitarist, Dimebag Darrell.

Darrell, 38, and his brother, Vinnie Paul, 40, formed Damageplan after Pantera -- a group they formed in the 1980s -- broke up last year. Their father is Jerry Abbott, a country and western songwriter and producer.

Police were notified of the shooting around 10:18 p.m. ET, Mull said. A uniformed police officer who was near the scene slipped into the venue from a back entrance, confronted the gunman during the rampage and killed him.

"If not for the officer who showed up, there would have been more dead," Mull said.

Police roped off a huge area of the nightclub's parking lot, as 60 detectives questioned hundreds of witnesses. Police brought in buses to keep the witnesses warm as they waited to be questioned.

Calvin Bota said he saw the shooting from the mosh pit right in front of the stage, shortly after the band began playing.

"Somebody came -- I don't know where they came from, out of the audience or whatnot -- but they come onto (the) stage and ... he shot the guitarist at first, fired a couple of other shots and then he hid behind the stage a little bit," Bota told CNN affiliate WSYX.

"Everybody started scattering, you know, there's mayhem everywhere. And then a police officer came into the building, you know, came in professional with his gun raised and then he proceeded to shoot the guy."

Gerald Caudill said the gunman shot the guitarist at least four times.

"I was up close to the stage and I just saw some guy run up on the side of the stage and I heard some shots and I saw (drummer) Vinnie (Paul) fall and somebody jumped on top of Vinnie, and the guy just stayed around the stage and started shooting other people," Caudill said.

"I saw wounded people all over the place, out in the parking lot, inside," he said. "It just didn't sound like gunshots or anything, it didn't occur to me that something like that was happening."
Man...this is just so FUBAR. 24 years after some nutcase shot Lennon. And you can just look at how slow the forum is for an idea of how big the impact is. I'm shocked and so pissed off at the moment...RIP Diamond Darrell
Hell yea dude Cemetary Gates is still one of the best metal songs ever. Dime was a big influence on me as well. I wish Pantera woulda put out one more album, and I hear that Dime was gonna do a record with Zakk Wylde, perhaps a Cacophony like team up, but now that aint gonna happen. Dime was such a funlovin guy too just watch the three Pantera Vulgar videos. His death has been hitten me harder each day, I wish I coulda met him. Anyway, RIP Diamond you truly were a Diamond in rust. :cry:
Hell yea dude Cemetary Gates is still one of the best metal songs ever. Dime was a big influence on me as well. I wish Pantera woulda put out one more album, and I hear that Dime was gonna do a record with Zakk Wylde, perhaps a Cacophony like team up, but now that aint gonna happen. Dime was such a funlovin guy too just watch the three Pantera Vulgar videos. His death has been hitten me harder each day, I wish I coulda met him. Anyway, RIP Diamond you truly were a Diamond in rust. :cry: