Terrorist bomb in SWEDEN!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
Stockholm had two bombings a while ago, first a car that blew up and a short while thereafter a dude blew himself up and according to uncertain internet sources he had six pipe bombs tied to himself but only one went off, and he had a backpack packed with nails and another bomb but that one didn't go off either, or there'd have been lots of injuries and shitz and a few deaths.

Uncertain internet sources also say the man shouted something in arabic before the detonation and that an e-mail arrived to the swedish federal security and news agencies saying stuff about sweden's daughters and sisters shall suffer as our sons and brothers have bla bla allahu akbhar etc.

The bombs are true, the rest is more or less speculation so far at least. KOOL OR WHAT?
Yeah, could have been really messy if it had gone off in a mall during christmas shopping.
One can only wonder where this stupid errorist came from and what the motives were.
France and Germany are next in line

The Djihad has just begun!!!

i understand your countries frustration with people that try to harm the ones left.
so if the wars and increased security are just wastes of money, but you do admit hijacking a plane is more difficult now, what is the reason we havent had a terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11? all the terrorists are 'clowns' now?
c'mon I am not someone that has even remote interest in making bombs, but I am sure I could find all the info I need online if I really wanted to.
these training camps for terrorists in 'Ghan, etc. sounds like nonsense.
the Times Square guy from this summer is still a super shady story. the guy was super incompetent after so much time "training" and also, he walked away from the car. aren't these guys supposed to go up with the bomb?

I honestly don't think any sort of super high tech security will deter someone that really wants to do some damage.

speaking of which, I passed by the new WTC construction 2 weekends ago ... holy shit, the frame and crossbars of the skeleton of that building are scary large even from a 3-4 block distance.
btw, true story if you really want to be pissed off ...
one of my good friends is supervising behind the scenes electrical contracts for the new WTC.
the Port Authority of NY (the one building the WTC) paid just some weeks ago $15K a pop for toilets ... not the entire room, just toilets to shit in.
the thing is most of you don't have any sort of reference point as far as what is freedom or not having lived under "democracies" probably all your lives.

but one thing always sticks out in my mind.

if in Romania where I lived for 14 lurch years, the gov't could pull the wool over the populations eyes for what, 30-40 years, with lies, deceptions, etc. then here there must be shit going down that's eons worse.
the thing is most of you don't have any sort of reference point as far as what is freedom or not having lived under "democracies" probably all your lives.

but one thing always sticks out in my mind.

if in Romania where I lived for 14 lurch years, the gov't could pull the wool over the populations eyes for what, 30-40 years, with lies, deceptions, etc. then here there must be shit going down that's eons worse.

Indeed. The mind/thought is a wonderful thing to exploit, and exponentially more useful.

lurch70 said:
...where I lived for 14 lurch years...

granted 30% of the country was gypsies and another 30% chaps that inspired sasha cohen to create Borat ... but still.
if in Romania where I lived for 14 lurch years, the gov't could pull the wool over the populations eyes for what, 30-40 years, with lies, deceptions, etc. then here there must be shit going down that's eons worse.

I've always wondered how a relatively small group of people can be so successful at containing a larger population.