Terrorist bomb in SWEDEN!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??

Uninformed and stupid assumption: how bad does an immigrant have it in Stockholm? Are these legitimate problems or just bored eejits?

well our immigration policy is "say yes to literally everyone that asks, then give them no help, jobs or education, just shove them in a concrete box somewhere we can't see them and hope for the best" so yeah there are legitimate problems there

i mean SOCIETY is no excuse to act like a worthless bag of shit but i'm just saying it's clear that our dumbfuck government is getting to reap what it's been sowing
Well I don’t know about Sweden but maybe governments should close the door to peopling immigration when there are no jobs anymore to start with.

What happened in France in the 70’s is we brought immigrant workers from former colonies by the thousands and then, after giving them no proper education and integration values (as if they didn’t resent France enough already in the first place for what we did in their country), the governments allowed for mass resettlement of their families with no filtering whatsoever, and worse, now that the country doesn’t need foreign workforce any longer (it’s another debate if we needed it in the first place or if the big conglomerates were happy to be given the opportunity to hire armies of low-wage slaves), immigrants keep flowing in at the pace of 200,000 per year, and that’s only counting legal ones. The result being that the totally uprooted second, third and so on generations, most of whom are still ghettoized and now jobless - drug traffic keeps some chosen few and their relatives well-fed of course - hate France even more than their elders.

And that’s not counting the masses of gypsies who can come at will from the new EU States and are the ones causing real public order issues because their “economy” is 90% based on begging and theft, most of them don’t speak French and never will, none of them will ever get anywhere close to occupying a regular job and contributing to domestic GDP. But our beloved "left-wing" Human Rights champions seem to think we can afford them and theyr are a major asset for the country's cultural diversity, fair enough...

That’s the basic picture.
well our immigration policy is "say yes to literally everyone that asks, then give them no help, jobs or education, just shove them in a concrete box somewhere we can't see them and hope for the best" so yeah there are legitimate problems there

i mean SOCIETY is no excuse to act like a worthless bag of shit but i'm just saying it's clear that our dumbfuck government is getting to reap what it's been sowing
Huh. Give them just enough rope to hang themselves, aye? Sounds like Mark of the Mole by the Residents.

Ah, humans. What a mess we always create of ourselves. Time to lottery-colonize the sun.
ANY opinions regarding immigration except for 'the more the merrier' marks you racist in Sweden. That includes opinions on how to take care of our current immigration/immigrants. As long as we get more, all will be well.
ANY opinions regarding immigration except for 'the more the merrier' marks you racist in Sweden. That includes opinions on how to take care of our current immigration/immigrants. As long as we get more, all will be well.

if you read this and think "no that's an exaggeration", no, it is not

this is the literal and actual truth of sweden 2013
I think we are victim to that as well, I seriously hate how overpopulated this world is and the effect it is having on everyone.
You know what I like? Immigrants who assimilate and actually add something to the culture they join. Learn the native tongue, bring me your food, and I will give you beer.

Thumbs down to anyone moving to a land and learning NOTHING of where they end up. Fuck those people. I think that just makes me American, not necessarily racist.

Not that I'm not racist, because of course I am, I mean really, who isn't? At least to some extent. I pick and choose though. Usually on Tuesdays I'm not a fan of Mexicans.
the destruction of Western nation-States through the undermining of local identities, cultures and values is high on the priority list of the tiny globalist "elite" who claw at the planet's resources like vultures and would be very happy with a world of uprooted, standardized slaves. Unchecked immigration and encouraged interbreeding are a strategy to that end. None of this is happening by chance alone.
the destruction of Western nation-States through the undermining of local identities, cultures and values is high on the priority list of the tiny globalist "elite" who claw at the planet's resources like vultures and would be very happy with a world of uprooted, standardized slaves. Unchecked immigration and encouraged interbreeding are a strategy to that end. None of this is happening by chance alone.
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Security forces struggled to control Buddhist mobs who burned Muslim homes on Wednesday for a second day in the northern Myanmar city of Lashio in a dangerous widening of ultra-nationalist Buddhist violence.

Scores of young men and boys on motorbikes and on foot marauded through the city of 130,000 people, some singing nationalist songs, a day after a mosque and religious school were torched.

One person was killed and four were wounded in fighting, Ye Htut, spokesman for President Thein Sein, said in a Facebook post. Police fired guns to disperse the crowds, he said.

The violence in this city in a mountainous region near Myanmar's northeastern border with China, about 700 km (430 miles) from the commercial capital Yangon, shows how far anti-Muslim anger is spreading in the Buddhist-dominated country.

The religious unrest erupted in western Rakhine State last year and spread into the central heartlands and areas near Yangon this year.

The unleashing of ethnic hatred since 49 years of military rule ended in March 2011 raises questions over whether the reformist Thein Sein has full control over security forces as Myanmar sees its most dramatic changes since a coup in 1962.

By early evening, Muslims shops and homes were still burning in one quarter of Lashio. There was no sign of Muslim residents.

"I don't know where the Muslims are. They all ran away,"
said Kyaw Soe Win, a Buddhist resident of the mixed neighborhood where motorbikes and household possessions lay burning in the streets. Nearby, a man with a sword and a stick combed through the remains of a burned-out shop.

In other regions, such as Rakhine State where hundreds were killed last year, and in the central city of Meikhtila where at least 44 people died in March, there have been signs of ethnic cleansing, and of impunity for those inciting it.

Lashio is a test of whether the government can bring the widening anti-Muslim unrest under control.

As in Meikhtila, journalists were attacked. Two freelance reporters working for The Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) were beaten as a mob looted a restaurant, the Norway-based broadcaster said. Memory cards from their cameras were taken.

"I got beat up and left with a bleeding head and my colleague also took a hit on the back. We were just watching the situation with cameras around our necks when a large group of people arrived on motorbikes and started attacking us," one of the reporters was quoted by DVB as saying.

State television said a mosque, a Muslim religious school and a number of shops were gutted by fires started on Tuesday by Buddhists who rampaged after hearing reports of a Muslim man setting a Buddhist woman on fire and badly wounding her. State media said calm had returned by Wednesday.

Myanmar, where Muslims make up about 5 percent of the 60 million population, has struggled with the unrest since June last year when fighting between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Muslim Rohingya erupted in western Rakhine State.

That was followed by organized Rakhine attacks on Rohingya communities in October that New York-based Human Rights Watch said amounted to ethnic cleansing. The government calls the stateless Rohingya illegal "Bengali" immigrants from neighboring Bangladesh.

British tourist Stephen Barker, 46, told Reuters he saw a group of about 100 machete and stick-carrying youths rallying around his hotel in the early afternoon, including four or five monks. Police and military moved them on and arrested half a dozen people.

"I got a light for my cigarette from one and he told me to kill all Bengalis while waving this 18-inch blade around."

Tuesday's unrest in Lashio was sparked by a quarrel between two people, named by state media as Aye Aye Win, 24, a Buddhist woman who sold petrol, and Ne Win, a Muslim man aged 48.

MRTV television said Ne Win poured petrol over Aye Aye Win and set her on fire. She was in hospital, it said.

After police detained Ne Win, Buddhists surrounded the police station and demanded he be handed over. When they refused, the crowd went on the rampage, attacking Myoma Mosque near Lashio market, residents said.

The authorities attempted to restore order late on Tuesday by banning unlawful assembly under a state of emergency. That's a faster response than in Meikhtila, where it took three days of fighting before such an order was imposed.
Religion is stupid. Without religion, the world would be a better place!

And by "better place" I mean exactly the same, but with different reasons to hate one another.
I guess this thread will become the one stop shop for all crazy happenings around the world. The fan is currently covered in defecation in Istanbul. Not even Bald Bull could simmer these protests.

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POTISKUM, Nigeria (AP) -- Islamic militants attacked a boarding school in northeast Nigeria before dawn Saturday, killing 29 students and one teacher. Some of the pupils were burned alive in the latest school attack blamed on a radical terror group, survivors said.

Parents screamed in anguish as they tried to identify the charred and gunshot victims.

Farmer Malam Abdullahi found the bodies of two of his sons, a 10-year-old shot in the back as he apparently tried to run away, and a 12-year-old shot in the chest.

"That's it, I'm taking my other boys out of school," he told The Associated Press as he wept over the two corpses. He said he had three younger children in a nearby school.

"It's not safe," he said. "The gunmen are attacking schools and there is no protection for students despite all the soldiers."

Survivors at the Potiskum General Hospital and its mortuary said gunmen attacked Government Secondary School in Mamudo village, 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Potiskum town at about 3 a.m. Saturday. The gunmen are believed to be from the Boko Haram sect whose name means "Western education is sacrilege."

They killed 29 students and an English teacher Mohammed Musa, who was shot in the chest according to another teacher, Ibrahim Abdu.

"We were sleeping when we heard gunshots. When I woke up, someone was pointing a gun at me," said 15-year-old Musa Hassan.

He put his arm up in defense, and suffered a gunshot that blew off all four fingers on his right hand, the one he uses to write with.

He said the gunmen came armed with jerry cans of fuel that they used to torch the school's administrative block and one of the hostels.

"They burned the children alive," he said, the horror showing in his wide eyes.

He and teachers at the morgue said dozens of children from the 1,200-student school escaped into the bush but have not been seen since.

Some bodies are so charred they could not be identified, so many parents do not know if their children survived or died.

Islamic militants from Boko Haram and breakaway groups have killed more than 1,600 civilians in suicide bombings and other attacks since 2010, according to an Associated Press count.

Scores of schools have been burned down in the past year in northeast Nigeria.

President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency May 14, and deployed thousands of troops to halt the insurgency, acknowledging that militants had taken control of some towns and villages.

The military has claimed success in regaining control of the area - the states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe . However, the area covers some 155,000 square kilometers (60,000 square miles) or one-sixth of the sprawling country.

Soldiers say they have killed and arrested hundreds of fighters.

But the crackdown, including attacks with fighter jets and helicopter gunships on militant camps, appears to have driven the extremists into rocky mountains with caves, from which they emerge to attack schools and markets.

The militants have increasingly targeted civilians, including health workers on vaccination campaigns, teachers and government workers.

Farmers have been driven from their land by the extremists and by military roadblocks, raising the specter of a food shortage to add to the woes of a people already hampered by the military's shutdown of cell phone service and ban on using satellite telephones.