terrorist kill kids for islam

Walter_Langkowski said:
Words to live by, Billy... :Spin:
Plain & simple.....they fucking slaughtered kids....KILL 'EM ALL......................My lady is a hard nosed bitch & she cried her eyes out watching the news...These fuckers ALL need killing & every last one of the fuckers who keep sticking up for these ANIMALS will you please WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!.

:cry: .I dont pray but I'm gona spare a thought to the Russkies.
PEACE...........But NO peace to the islamic, muslim, allah FUCKS you can all go and kiss a large PiGS ass you dirty fucks the PiGS cleaner than you, so shag a lesbian loving, tree hugging, veggie faggoty fuck LIBERAL instead.

Those bastards have no heart, it really shows what lowly scum they are that they take a school hostage, and abuse children as well. They stabbed and raped kids. I hope the islamic "cause" get absolutely annihalated.
Buzzard said:
I could care less if it offends them. I have a right to speak my mind.
You on the other hand if you have a problem with me maybe you should fuck off and go suck off Anthrax. Their is no room for a Anthrax FAnboy here.

I could care less if it offends you. I have a right to speak my mind.

I suck Anthrax off on a daily basis but sometimes I need to take a break you know. For my jaws not to get sore.