Terry's haul of a Thousand Truths & 7 lies


\m/ Scanner Scrag \m/
Jun 22, 2008
Went to JB HI FI yesterday at the Westfield that opened last year right near me, anyway they have a candy store that sells US shit so i thought i'd give that joint a whirl first to get my mits on some twinkies but the bastards had none the cunts :( it was my goal for the day to get twinkies ;(

ended up getting:

Can of Dr Pepper
Can of Cherry Coke
Reese's Peanut Butter cup
Hershey Choc
3 Musketeers bar
Sundae fudge something Pop Tarts

it was all shit cept for the drinks, would've been cooler if they had've had twinkies in stock :(

anyway then i went to JB and got:

Judas Priest - Nostradamus
Halford - Crucible
Kill Bill 1
Kill Bill 2
Semi Pro
Indiana Jones the new one
O Brother Where Art THou
Harold and Kumar escape Guatanamo bay
Black Sheep
Bad Eggs

all for $150 :headbang::kickass:

NP: Judas Priest - Revelations
I loved the cherry coke we use to get here :D was my coke of choice when it was around, the yank cherry coke i had yesterday was way different.

they sell 10 can cases of the stuff at the store might buy one for shits n giggles sometime, hopefully those bastards get in some twinkies ;(

fucking love Halford's voice, thats why i picked up the JP album and the only Halford album they had in stock (i got Live Revolations i think its called which is a FUCKING AWESOME CD).
I loved the cherry coke we use to get here :D was my coke of choice when it was around, the yank cherry coke i had yesterday was way different.

they sell 10 can cases of the stuff at the store might buy one for shits n giggles sometime, hopefully those bastards get in some twinkies ;(

fucking love Halford's voice, thats why i picked up the JP album and the only Halford album they had in stock (i got Live Revolations i think its called which is a FUCKING AWESOME CD).
the Yanks use syrup instead of sugar I think and maybe some other slight ingredient changes. I had Yank friend over and he was saying how whatever it is they use back in the States is really f'n bad for your teeth!:lol: He's hoping to be moving over here next Feb.

Nostradamus is an awesome album:headbang:
Yeah, they use high fructose corn syrup in the US, although they do sell sugar-based cola during Passover (for da Jews, since sugar is kosher and HFCS isn't???). Anyway, I think in the southern states along the mexican border, they can get mexican cokes, which has sugar instead of HFCS.

Twinkies are fucking awesome :headbang:
If you like the taste of cough syrup. :lol: A friend of mine who likes it was trying to describe the taste to another friend, so I suggested it was like Southern Comfort straight. My mate thought for a second and agreed. I hate Southern Comfort straight.
finally got around to listening to Judas Priest - Nostradamus fucking epic :cool:

Dont know why people found it boring :p, i prob dont cause of how i love Halford's voice.
i seriously can not get into ANY of teh american candy at the import lolly shop i go to cept for twinkies but they're $3 a pop!