A AussieTerry84 \m/ Scanner Scrag \m/ Jun 22, 2008 297 0 16 Sep 21, 2009 #21 yeah the peanut butter M&M's are pretty good but yeah most of it is complete and UTTER SHIT
Blitzkrieg Master Exploder Apr 13, 2001 10,886 8 38 41 Victoria, Australia thevesselproject.bandcamp.com Sep 21, 2009 #22 Peanut butter Kit-Kats and most of Reese's stuff are also awesome. Herseys stuff is good too. Most of the things you hear about in pop culture such as milk duds, butterfingers etc are crap, but there is some good stuff.
Peanut butter Kit-Kats and most of Reese's stuff are also awesome. Herseys stuff is good too. Most of the things you hear about in pop culture such as milk duds, butterfingers etc are crap, but there is some good stuff.
Goreripper Metal as fuck Aug 24, 2001 10,500 2 38 55 Blue Mountains, Australia myspace.com Sep 21, 2009 #23 Is it because they're made with corn syrup instead of sugar, or because Americans don't know their tastebuds from the bottom of a used ashtray?
Is it because they're made with corn syrup instead of sugar, or because Americans don't know their tastebuds from the bottom of a used ashtray?
Southy Proud Brisbane Metaller Jul 28, 2001 7,509 10 38 45 Brisbane,Australia Visit site Sep 22, 2009 #24 Option B there Gorey, you have tasted their idea of beer right?
T TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash New Metal Member Apr 14, 2001 9,026 8 0 Sep 22, 2009 #25 I like American beers They're no European beers but they still slay the majority of Australian ones. I think we may have the worst beer in the world.
I like American beers They're no European beers but they still slay the majority of Australian ones. I think we may have the worst beer in the world.
Blitzkrieg Master Exploder Apr 13, 2001 10,886 8 38 41 Victoria, Australia thevesselproject.bandcamp.com Sep 22, 2009 #26 Our popular beers are worse than most other places popular beers, but our craft beers are fantastic. The only American beer I have had that I liked was Coors Lite. Millers isn't too bad and Bud is drinkable, but neither are great.
Our popular beers are worse than most other places popular beers, but our craft beers are fantastic. The only American beer I have had that I liked was Coors Lite. Millers isn't too bad and Bud is drinkable, but neither are great.
Bucko Member Apr 15, 2001 2,657 2 38 61 Canberra Visit site Sep 22, 2009 #27 Trixxi Trash said: I like American beers They're no European beers but they still slay the majority of Australian ones. I think we may have the worst beer in the world. Click to expand... no way we have great Beers like XXXX, Fosters, Hahn Ice, West End, Swan Larger VB and Emu Bitter. Plus the real great ones like TOOHEYS AND CARLTON, But I like most beers, if its cold, got a bit of a Head on it and Amber i'll drink it ....
Trixxi Trash said: I like American beers They're no European beers but they still slay the majority of Australian ones. I think we may have the worst beer in the world. Click to expand... no way we have great Beers like XXXX, Fosters, Hahn Ice, West End, Swan Larger VB and Emu Bitter. Plus the real great ones like TOOHEYS AND CARLTON, But I like most beers, if its cold, got a bit of a Head on it and Amber i'll drink it ....
Winmar Pillock of society Apr 16, 2001 7,452 8 38 Canberra Sep 23, 2009 #28 I'll drink anything, but our mainstream beer is indeed shit!