TESSERACT - Altered State album stream

A Midnight Requiem

You can call me Adam.
Oct 16, 2008
Their new album is streaming on the Century Media channel in its entirety and, I must say, it's fantastic. What do you guys think?

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Very nice mix. It's so comfortable to listen but the songs are too forgettable, at least compared to the previous album.
Loving the overall Tesseract vibe/atmosphere as always. Kick and snare are a bit too up front for the music I feel, it's like the whole rest of the band is hiding behind them sometimes.
I don't like the sound of the distorted guitars or even the bass really, but I love the album in general. The overall vibe, the vocals, the songs, and the music in general is all great. I think like it even more than the original Tesseract stuff with Dan.
the mix is kind of odd. cymbals buried. the clean guitars are so buried in the mix and it doesn't sound like tesseract at least compared to their last album which was really good i thought.

the heavier parts are cool though.

and good songs also. :headbang:
I'm by no means particularly awesome at mixing, but to me this mix sounds great, especially for their music. The kick and snare are loud, but I think that adds to the pulse of their music, which is pretty atmospheric in drone-y. I think the vocal harmonies are really great, and I'm so happy they got someone that doesn't sound anything like Elliot Coleman. I'm no longer bummed about Dan not being with them anymore.
As a fan of their first album, I have hope ! I preferred the sound of the first one (kinda undergained and non-metalish tones including for the drums) but it's probably better they went for another sound anyway, change is good.
The prod is good and yeah, even though I love Dan's vocals so much, they have found the right guy that doesn't just sound like a replacement ! They have totally inspired me musically over the last 2 years. I hope there are a few hit songs like Part II or Eden.
Does anyone have any info about the production on this album?
Where they recorded, who mixed / mastered, if the guitars are mic'd, if the drums are triggered or programmed, are all questions on my mind.
Super clean mix, I dig a lot.
Does anyone have any info about the production on this album?
Where they recorded, who mixed / mastered, if the guitars are mic'd, if the drums are triggered or programmed, are all questions on my mind.
Super clean mix, I dig a lot.

They did it themselves as far as i know.
Just listened to it all hoping I'd like it, unfortunately not anywhere as much as I'd hoped! Still good, but nothing that's rustling my jimmies
i wouldn't call it whiny, i guess that's jusdt how the guys voice sounds like.
the singing seems always the same though, like the "clean singing pre chorus" of a song that just lasts forever.
They use Axe FX for guitars, the drums sound like superior 2.0 (left cymbal)

I didn't want to be that guy heh. But that's the thing that annoys me a bit, the cymbals, as soon as it started I immediately thought SD2.0. Short china on one side, bigger one on the other, that horrendous peak from "THE" famous cymbal, the splash, plus it just sounds programmed. Why not record real drums? They use an amazing studio, have a great drummer... Imagine this with breathing real roomy drums like Karnivool's "Sound Awake"