TesseracT Live in Studio Video


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Sorry if I missed any other posts on this, did a quick search and found nothing.

CM put this up, it's from the DVD that comes with their CD. They went into a studio and performed their live set with no overdubs (just backing tracks running) and filmed the entire thing... and I am seriously impressed. Incredibly tight and the feel/vibe rules. I actually like the mix better than the album version, and will be ripping it as soon as I get my copy in the mail!

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This sounds 100x better than the record... I wonder why no one has the guts to release something like this instead of being everything completely overdubber/replaced/edited/programmed ... Because this seriously has a unique feel tracked live
Pretty fucking awesome!
How do they get that clean sound that they use so much, like at the start of the clip? Is it just an octaver and delay/verb?
Oh god don't get me started on TesseracT. I remember doing nothing but spoofing everywhere every time I heard the Concealing Fate Pt. 1 track on their first demo (2007 if I recall, black and red cover with a face on it). Was absolutely amazing, had huge hopes for them. Then, of course, the Concealing Fate EP made me want to shoot myself. Mix was a huge step back from the vibe of the old demo, was so insanely disappointed by it all.

This video reminds me of the old days, it's a bloody godsend. I take it they've got something new out, I remember an LP called One with two tracks on it a couple years back, is this 'new' one different?
Oh god don't get me started on TesseracT. I remember doing nothing but spoofing everywhere every time I heard the Concealing Fate Pt. 1 track on their first demo (2007 if I recall, black and red cover with a face on it). Was absolutely amazing, had huge hopes for them. Then, of course, the Concealing Fate EP made me want to shoot myself. Mix was a huge step back from the vibe of the old demo, was so insanely disappointed by it all.

This video reminds me of the old days, it's a bloody godsend. I take it they've got something new out, I remember an LP called One with two tracks on it a couple years back, is this 'new' one different?

This new 'One' is the full length.
Just FYI, if you already purchased their EP that came out last year you pretty much already have half of the songs off of "One". They also re-did old songs they had and put them on the "new" album. I'm still going to pick-up "One" to support them, but it's nothing really new. Great production though.

Oh and...

Pretty fucking awesome!
How do they get that clean sound that they use so much, like at the start of the clip? Is it just an octaver and delay/verb?

I'm assuming you mean the clean guitar tones?
Answer: Axe-fx.

It sounds like the same thing Bulb/Misha from Periphery usually does as well; of course, he was doing it before he even had an AxeFx. At that time he used a POD and he said he used the 'sparkle' amp and then layered guitars on top of each other to give it that delay/verb effect, and the layers of guitars would also be in different octaves to give it that glassy feel. But now anyone can get this tone easily as I believe it's one of the out-of-the-box presets in AxeFx. I may be wrong since I don't have one, but w/e.

Edit: After re-watching the intro to this video Jeff posted... you can see one guitarist is playing the part in the lower register, and the other guitarist is playing it up 2 octaves I think.
No. The secret is to NOT use cab impulses. That's how you get that glassy-ness. So add a nice sounding amp that's pretty clean but don't use any impulses. And compress as much as possible, pre amp and post amp.

You can get it a variety of ways. But he asked how THEY got that sound.
Yeah but TesseracT have been getting that glassy clean sound for years, WAY before Bulb was even a blip on the radar. Lots of compression, bridge pickups, acoustic simulators on amps/modellers sometimes (Acle's old favorite PODxt clean setting was the Acous2 simulator IIRC).

Edit: After re-watching the intro to this video Jeff posted... you can see one guitarist is playing the part in the lower register, and the other guitarist is playing it up 2 octaves I think.

No, James starts out playing the clean intro, but then it switches to being played on the backing track and both him and Acle are playing distorted riffs.
how can they make it sound so good when they have everything in the same room?
only drummer and singer seem to be wearing earphones.
the rest doesn't which leads me to believe they have their amps on full volume?