Testament bashed on the radio


Nov 19, 2001
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I forgot to mention this earlier but I was listening to the local rock radio station, which has become absolutely pathetic- anyway thay have a 80's metal hard rock hour, and they played Return to Serenity by Testament.

There are two Dj's the expert, and his foil, well the foil said, "damn that was a hell of a song- didnt testament turn into a bunch of satan worshippers who cant sell any albums any more".

I of course became violent, and swore i would not listen to this station again- I wonder why the public really thinks Testament is worshipping satan? and how this is hurting Testament's image.

This happened on WEBN in Cincinnati by the way.
A lot of those DJ-and their sidekick acts think they know everything...unfortunately...most of them don't know shit and they're not nearly as funny as they think they are.

Oh yea...and guess what?? We..on this board have probably forgotten more than they will ever know about the almighty thrash...and the almighty Testament!!!
What a couple of jackasses. I don't remember the last time I saw Testament worshiping the devil. How funny. I guess the best thing to do is to laugh at these losers for how ignorant and un-informed they really are. These will be the same two guys that praise the new Metallica when it finally comes out 6 years from now and how "heavy" (sarcasm) it is.
This is what the dumb morons and uneducated low-lives do to get peoples goats. Don't fall into that ole rut. Oh, and ruin Testament's image???????????? Gimme a break. How could a comment about worshiping the devil ruin a bands rep. Hell (forgive the pun) isn't that what the media did to Black Sabbath etc.?????????? Did that ruin them? Not in the least.

One word for you..........call the damned radio station and tell them, "Thank you. Thank you for the devil worshiping comments they made. Testament thanks you too in advance for all the new record sales and fans they just picked up after hearing your comments.


:lol: :lol:

:eek: :tickled: :rock:
what a bunch of morons, anyway can anyone tell me what's so satanic in Testament's new stuff? I don't seem to find any satanic messages :confused:

Calling your album Demonic, or South Of Heaven or something similair is always going to invite comments like that whether they are warranted or not.

The DJ was probably just making a joke anyway...
Testament was played on the radio? ur lucky. the only good music my local radio stations play is Metallica and Megadeth and sometimes they might play Anthrax. anyways Testament still plays awesome music and i really dont even care if they are satan worshipers or not. as long as i can still do this: :rock: :rock: :rock: and their music still has talent, it's all cool.
Originally posted by spawn
Calling your album Demonic, or South Of Heaven or something similair is always going to invite comments like that whether they are warranted or not.

The DJ was probably just making a joke anyway...

Oh yeah that could be it :cool:
Testament worships Satan? No, that can't be right.
I thought it was Backstreet Boys and NSync that did,
since they have no talent, they woulda had to sell
their souls for the price of fame and fortune.


Any Testament on mainstream radio is a flat out fucking miracle.....no matter how stupid the DJ's are. You should have called the station and set them straight. They aint seen shit if they think Testament, one of my most loved bands, is satanic!
a) Why do you care so much?

I know you may totally LOVE the band and all... but is that really a reason to get "violent"?. Who gives a fuck what some idiot says? Which leads me to...

b) He was probably joking.

You know, the kind of thing radio DJ's tend to do A LOT. Make jokes and take stabs at bands etc etc. Lighten up.

c) This particular DJ's thoughts on Testament aren't really a good indication of what "the public" thinks. But then again, who really cares? If everyone in the world started saying "Testament worships the devil... OooooOoOoo" would that make a difference to anything at all?

Sure as hell wouldn't to me.
Well, Slayer doesn't worship Satan either-it's just a publicity ploy. Testament certainly doesn't, and if these halfwits would actually listen to "Demonic" they'd fuckin' figure it out. These dipshits are probably just waiting for "Chinese Democracy" to come out and have their panties in a bunch cuz the tour got cancelled. As for getting violent, fuck yeah! It's great to defend your music with emotion-if someone slams your favorite band, you owe it to the band to defend them with emotion and an angry reply. That's all part of the game. If the music you like doesn't inspire emotion then you're missing the whole point.
Just to get clear on something, if your really a real Testament fans then you sou should know that there are NO WHIMPY songs by Testament. In fact, "Return To Serenity" is actually a pretty heavy song at times. It may not be fast but it's certainly not a whimpy song. But for those people that are Testament fans here which most of you are, I think you'd agree with me on this. There are no WHIMPY songs by Testament. Oh and for this devil worshipping thing, if Testament are worshippers then I'm Jesus Christ and Im'm going to start buying Brittany and Nsync CDs.


This whole notion of metal bands being satanic is so old news and it really doesn't bother anyone anymore. The only ones that say that are people that know nothing about metal and so who cares what the say anyway? I also agree with the post by Legionsofthedead, the DJs were probably joking.
Well ...the only real way you can determine if a band is Satanic is by the lyrical content. ...it seems so much of Testament's lyrics are written by Del James. Who is Del James anyway?? I've noticed he's also credited heavily on the Dragonlord CD.

I always try to see the good side in Testament's lyrics... sometimes it's pretty hard with songs like... True Believer, Eyes of Wrath etc.

Guess i'd prefer ...Chuck, Eric & the band write all their own lyrics.
Just because the songs are about the bad side of things doesnt mean you cant take something good from them :D

Its all how you interperate them for yourself! (Id say 98% of Testaments lyrics have been written by Chuck and Eric too).