Testament reunites....


Apr 14, 2001
Former TESTAMENT/SAVATAGE guitarist Alex Skolnick has issued a statement confirming his participation in the upcoming TESTAMENT "reunion" tour alongside lead vocalist Chuck Billy, guitarist Eric Peterson, bassist Greg Christian and drummer Johnny Tempesta (HELMET, ex-ROB ZOMBIE). The tour will last for a total of nine shows and will cover several European countires between May 7 and May 15 ONLY.

Commented Alex: "It is with great anticipation and excitement that I announce my plans to take in an upcoming TESTAMENT reunion tour (dates to be announced).

"It seems we've all reached a place where we have respect for one another on a personal and musical level. For these and whatever other reasons, the time feels right to revisit what began some twenty (!) years ago.

"TESTAMENT was, is and will always be a part of me; everything I've done since has been largely possible due to my experience with TESTAMENT. I've never forgotten this, whether everyone realizes it or not. Just as my solo career was never meant as a rejection of TESTAMENT, or metal in general, my reconnect with TESTAMENT is not a rejection of my solo career. ALEX SKOLNICK TRIO is busy touring in support of our second CD, 'Transformation' (Magnatude). Next month, we appear at this year's South By Southwest music conference/festival in Austin, TX and have tour plans in the U.S. and Europe throughout the year. (See AlexSkolnick.com for updated info). In addition, the '04 TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA tour was the best yet and I look forward to more. There are also numerous other projects on the horizon.

"I feel very lucky to be where I am: at the top of my game and in a positive atmosphere where performing in more than one group (and even more than one genre) is accepted and supported.

"The TESTAMENT guys have all come to see the ALEX SKOLNICK TRIO and genuinely seemed to enjoy the music. Similarly, the young guys in the trio are TESTAMENT fans and couldn't be more thrilled to see me doing this tour. This is partly what it's been all about for me: challenging conventional ideas about music and musicians themselves.

"Years ago, my heart told me to go find my own voice and I chose to listen. Now that I've found it, my heart's telling me it's a good tome to jump back in with TESTAMENT and have some fun. Of course, this brings up inevitable questions: what does this all mean? Will there be more TESTAMENT tours like this? A recording? We honestly don't know and it would be unfair to ourselves and the fans to try to answer that. Let's see how things go. One thing I've learned over the years is that music, and to a greater extent, life itself, is about being in the moment: not what once happened, not what might happen, but what is happening right now. And right now what I'm really looking forward to is getting back with these guys and playing some music!"


As cool as this would be to see, it seems kind of backwards for Testament to be doing it, considering they are still making awesome music. Especially with them having a new album out soon after it. Still, Alex did write some awesome leads and im sure the Testament website will make bootlegs of the show to sell, so we will get to see it at least!

I just hope its something they did for fun and to reminisce and not permanent. Id be more excited about seeing Chuck, Eric, Metal Mike, Paul Bostaph and Steve Digiorgio play, especially with an awesome new album to promote.

Its reunion city at the moment, I wonder how long it will be before Max gets back with Sepultura? :worship:
I just read Skid Row is talking to Sebastian about him coming back. Nothing set in stone apparently, but they are talking... (Apparently...)

Holy shit that would rule so much :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

"They've been offered a slot on a major tour this summer, and the band and Baz are in talks to see what it would take for both sides to work together.

It seems that Johnny Sollinger has other endeavours he wants to pursue (I have no idea what), so his involvement isn't an issue.

I'm not quite sure what the tour is yet, but it could be the retro-Ozzfest weve heard about, the multi-act Motley tour that has been rumored, or a Kiss package."

I'd be very fucking excited if Sebastian joined them again. Fingers crossed.... I saw them in 1993 - yay.

The Gathering lineup was sensational. They're not really going to top that one, are they?