Testament - Saturday 26.06.2004 on the Bang Your Head Festival


misanthropical breed
Apr 18, 2003
Germany - Bodensee
Hi folks,

here´s a little review of Testament´s gig last night at the BYH Festival in Balingen, Germany.

They were co-headliner but began playing their set with more than 35 min delay. Unfortunately the time Testament´s set was shortened and in the end they were pülaying unplugged without PA sound. Kinda funny, the fans were really amused and impressed. They love Testament.

Here´s kinda a setlist:

the began with "D.N.R." then switched to "LOW".
Third song was "The Haunting" and suddenly Walter appeared upon the stage and filmed the band and the audience. Walter, I hope we´ll manage next time to meet there as it didn´t work out this time :-(

4th Song (I hope I remeber correctly) was "Sins Of Omission" ....... WOW, KILLER.
I never heard Testament playing this one live, it was awesome.

The other songs were ...
- True Believer
- 3 Days in Darkness
- Into The Pit
- Over The Wall
- Disciples Of The Watch (unplugged hehe).

It was a shame they turned the power off ... but I hope the band didn´t take it too serious, this happened to Halford in 2002 and other bands too, who were making a lomgtime soundcheck.

PS. @ Larf03
I´m really sorry dude we didn´t manage to meet in Balingen. On friday morning my fuckin´ battery of my cell phone was empty and it took me several hours to load it again in the car. Why didn´t you call friday afternoon ? I hope you enjoyed your stay in Balingen.

The organizers of this year's Bang Your Head festival have issued a statement explaining the circumstances behind TESTAMENT's abbreviated set at the event, which was held June 25-26 in Balingen, Germany. The statement reads as follows:

"Many visitors were annoyed as the show of Bay Area thrashers TESTAMENT found a sudden end on the Saturday of this year's Bang Your Head and the amps were turned off while the band was still playing. Unfortunately, certain unpleasant circumstances left no other choice left for us.

"The background information: The band had overrun their stage schedule by far. Before TESTAMENT started their changeover and their soundcheck, there had been a delay on stage of about 10 minutes that had been caused by other bands. We asked the responsible tour manager and the band's sound technician to do the soundcheck as quickly as possible in order to try to make up at least some of the lost time. Unfortunately, our call was unheard and the soundcheck took an awfully lot of time. That wasn't all, though: After everything was finally checked and prepared, the sound technician hit the road to the PA tower. On arrival, he noticed he had forgotten something and went all the way back to the stage — through the audience! When he arrived at the tower a second time, TESTAMENT had used twice as much time for the changeover than scheduled (40 instead of 20 minutes). Therefore, the overall dealy had summarized to more than 30 minutes. Unfortunately, we do have strict curfew set up by the city of Balingen saying that the headliner's show has to end at 11 PM. ICED EARTH agreed to shorten their set by two songs and we told TESTAMENT's tour manager that his band has to shorten its set as well. He was supposed to inform the band about that — but he actually just wouldn't do. Though he shared the stage with the guys and we asked him several times to deliver the important information to the band, he kept on ignoring our request didn't pass anything forward to Chuck Billy and the guys, resulting the band to play on and on. Finally, we had no other choice left than to put the most unpleasant and unpopular end to the show and pull the plug. We feel very sorry for the fans of TESTAMENT and the band itself. Everything could have gone less unpleasant if there had been just a bit more professional and cooperative attitude on the part of the band's tour manager and sound technician."
That sucks about the set being shorter, but why did the soundcheck take so long? I'm surprised no one has mentioned this happening or the details (other than a couple fans here).
It was really shitty ...... it took damn long this fuckin´ soundcheck and I remeber I was saying to friends "they will shorten Testament´s set due to this delay" and see what happened. When they played, I saw one person of the BYH Festival staff (probably the stage manager) arguing with another person (probably Testament´s manager) and after "Over The Wall" they just pulled the plug. You don´t need to be a god to foresee this consequence ....... sad for us fans, shit happens.

Really funny Testament just kept on playing "Disciples Of The Watch" unplugged and fans just singing the chorus hehe ...
You deserve a good kick in the nuts for never seeing them dude. lol j/k....well....haha.

But i wouldn't worry about it so much, i wouldn't care if someone said shit about my favourite band, it wouldn't change my opinion on them cuz, they are my favourite band, and i believe in them, and with whatever ppl could say about them, i would keep supporting them and don't care. And TESTAMENT IS my favourite band, and there's no one on earth that can make me think otherwise that they are the best metal band to have walked this earth...to me.

Remember what Chuck Schuldiner said : " Support music, not rumors."