TestAmenT show in anahiem


disciple of the watch
Mar 4, 2002
so cal
Visit site
well, since this site is devoid of all information involving the cancelation/postponement of the latest concerts i have decided to at least give us SoCal metalheads the info that i know: the 1/02 show is POSTPONED. the show will be held on 2/07 instead. im guessing that either the webmaster dude is on vacation OR that he doesnt want to post anything until its set in stone (or both?), but i think the fans should be kept updated about this kinda thing. BAH if only TestAmenT could have just headlined themselves, then this would not be a problem :mad:
Thanks for your post CWOP , it's greatly appreciated. I posted in earlier this evening that it sucks that NO ONE has said shit about what's up with us losers that have tickets for Vegas, and Anaheim, basically sitting here holding our dicks while other's get to enjoy the shows that were supposidly postponed. (I'm referring to San Diego) I called HOB in Anaheim too this evening and the lady said the show was off for tonight but that she didn't know what the new date was. Thanks for clearing that up man, it's greatly appreciated. I would assume that the Vegas date would be on 2/5 or 2/6 if the Anaheim show is on the 7th of Feb. I'm sure TL or DE will update the site when they get back. I'm not disappointed with them AT ALL ( or Testament). It's just a bummer that it was said that SD was off when in fact it was ON. Just the fact that no one can let us know what the hell is going on is the real piss off.
I ended up mailing in my vegas ticket for a refund from ticket hell and hoping to get that traveling for nothing reward that halford is offering for next show to one's own town.

As for testament, the phoenix show was awesome. They said that they spent the night at vegas seeing the one guitarist,not eric, get married in vegas thus they partied hard.
the webmaster is a she, not a he. You might wanna at least get some facts straight before you start berrating her. She does a great job with this board, so something really important or bad must have come up to have prevented her from giving us up to the minute updates. Obviously there has been a lack of info and misinformation floating around everywhere, so I wouldn't blame her for any of it.
I'd also like to point out that I posted that the SD show was still going the day before new yrs eve (doing my part to fill in for the webmistress), so if you missed that show CWP, you have no one to blame but yourself.
geez man, relax! im not saying she is doing a terrible job or anything, i just thought that during this time when important info is scarce people would probably look to the site for the information. and plz notice that the title of this post is not "testament show in san diego" its TestAmenT show in ANAHIEM
Yeah, I know, it's not like you were attacking anyone. I don't feel that Chaos was trying to berrate anyone. I think he was just posting/sharing whatever info he had. I, like many here have MUCH respect for the wonderful job TL does with HER site and SHE does an EXCELLENT JOB, HANDS DOWN. So there is no lack of respect at all. It's just been a bad deal all the way around (once again no fault to TL or Testament for those with easy hurt feelings) with the lack of info in this chaotic mess. I will most likely do what tattooedsean did if I can't get the time off from work and return my tickets for a refund. I don't want to do that but I may have no choice. I'm going to do my best to go to every single show that they play on this "re-scheduled" round. I am anxiously awaiting info from people in the know :)
The TL webmistress IS busy doing something VERY important right now...so just give her a break and be patient and everything will work out...
? I'm not saying anything thing bad at all , I don't get the "be patient" part. I said numerous times I'm not saying anything bad about her or the band , Jesus Christ......... Ugh......

Unless you are refering to someone else ........... :grin: