TESTAMENT shows this weekend in Sac & Concord

I will be there in spirit as well. I wanted to go, but I will wait to go to the Bay Area till the next round of cool shows. I will play some Testament as tribute at my bbq on Saturday.

istari said:
Wold be great if someone could post a setlist and some comments about the show, so we europeans know what to expect....
I'll post it after Friday's show...I just have to keep sober enough to write them down...

Finally found the Ruffians' website -- I never heard of these codgers...:D Should I have? Couldn't download any samples, so I'll have to wing it, but my take (based on appearances alone) is that they're something like Agent Steel???

I bought 4 tix for this show at Death Angel, I got a small contingent coming:headbang: Hailz!!!
What are the chances of hearing a new Testa-tune tonight?

Damn near zero, I think, 'cause you got two new dudes who have to bone-up on original material!!!

I can't wait to hear Bostaph tonight. Any Forbidden is always cool. I listened to Halford's Crucible last night to figure out what MM sounds like. We'll see how he belts out those Murphy and Skolnick solos!!

PunkerTed told me there is a possibility of the show selling out, so I called Bourbon St to check on this. The lady on the phone said they have 100 tickets left. If you don't have a ticket, it might be wise to head on over there as soon as you can to get a ticket at the door.
Imagikafan said:
I'm attending the show on the 29th. :headbang:
what time time did u get to the show? did u see any of the opening bands?
what did u think of borderwars? they brought a bus load of people and got the crowd going.