Testament Tabs?


Sep 18, 2003
southern CA
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hey, i was wondering if any of you knew the best place to find testament tabs online, or better yet, anywhere i can purchase tab books, i was able to borrow the PWYP tab book from my guitar teacher, and i really want good tabs for TL and TNO, please help out if you guys know anything
I have the new order,practice what you preach,souls of black,the ritual and LOW tab books most are pretty accurate.I don't think any of them are in print no more...I got lucky a few years ago and found them from this place in portland and ordered them as soon as I heard they had em the guy told me they were out of print though.So I doubt you'll have any luck finding them if they are in fact out of print but still there may still be a chance who knows?As in most tabs though the actual notes are correct yes but its up to you to find the right fingerings for them thats the most comfortable for you.Also type in your search engine "testament guitar tabs" usually you'll find tons of shit come up...
