

Tyrant in Distress
Hey, does anyone have any info about the upcoming Testament studio CD? I know they are planning on doing one, but I haven't heard how far along it is or a speculative release time frame or anything. Testament's been one of my favorites since Practice What You Preach, so I'm getting a little anxious to get some new material :)

Any info would be nice.

Thats a good post man. I would like soem info on that myself.

DO you have Live at teh fillmore and return to the apocalyptic city? If you dont, get them, they are smokin.
I see, on the live stuff. I agree on Ritual, it sucks ass. I like Demonic though...very much.

DId yur old copy of LATF have the 3 studio acoustic extra songs? I have the re-issue from SPITFIRE.
Those extra songs are great. They got this girl to sing back up. The songs are Teh Legacy, Return To Serenity, and Trail Of Tears. ALl but trail of tears was re-recorded,,great stuff.

I got my copy of RTTAC on ebay, it was sighned by CHUCK(WOW), I got for around 7 dollars including shipping!