

Master Exploder
Gig last night was pretty damn sweet, anyone going along to the other shows will have a great time.


Highlights for me were Electric Crown, The New Order, Practice What You Preach, Burnt Offerings, Over The Wall, and DNR!! The rest rocked as well. Awesome night!
I know! It's so fucking sad. Stupid 'earning a living' thing..
About nine years ago I was in year 10, with a the huge TestAmenT logo painted all over my pencil case. Now I'm the damn teacher of year 10!! haha..
Never mind Sydo, thats life. They didnt come to Adelaide so I missed them too but I wouldnt of had the money for it anyway. I had to pass on Suffocation last night for the same reason. I'll be hoping to make Slayer, its on a Friday too I think so sounds like a good drinking opportunity:kickass: :rock:
Damn it, that would have been an awesome show to go to. Oh well. Glad you had fun, anyway, Jordan!

Was the venue full?