

New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2002
well i am a very big fan of Steve, but i was introduced to testament very recently, i have a question:

some bassist i met ata metal gig was bragging about playing a bass/fill/line/solo from testament and when he said the name everyone crapped their pants,but i didnt know testament at the time.... so my question is what is the most impressive bass part in all of testaments songs
Hmmm, theres a tough arpeggio intro to Souls of Black. Well, tough because of some serious string skipping (that shits no walk in the park for a finger player like me). It's not what I'd call a solo exactly but it is challenging.
Everyone in testament just oozes tallent, and theres no one testament song that is the most technical, its all pritty killer stuff... but i suppose you should try listing to practice what you preach, and try Trial Bye Fire, that has lots of predomantly bass parts... just off the top of my head, im sure theres tons more
Urotsukidoji is my favorite, and Souls of Black kicks ass. There is also a great bass part that's not as obvious with Steve D. Play Riding the Snake and go to 2:30.

Addition:perilous Nation
I started listening to my old out of date tapes again from back in the 80's (sanctuary, violence, testament, ect.). I popped in the ritual. Alex Skolnick is inspiring (even to a bassist). Greg doesn't always play soloish bass lines, but all the music is very good that I heard by then (ritual and souls of black era). I say it's a safe to get any of their stuff, you likely won't be disappointed. I look forward to getting the CD of testament with DiGiorgio.

Which album is Urotsukidoji on? I wanna check that out.
...the song is an instrumental from the album "LOW", 1994 last one from TESTAMENT with Atlantic, and...I now this may sound weird, but UROTSUKIDOJII it's the title of a soft-porn anime (a japanese cartoon), and I'm still wondering who conceived this song...and what it means....anyway...

c ya
Originally posted by Unregistered
I look forward to getting the CD of testament with DiGiorgio.

Its a great CD but with the mix of the album,I'm not sure why they asked Steve's services in the first place.
Why you would get him to play on your record and then turn down the bass is beyond me.
Still,Legions of the Dead is one of the greatest thrash songs ever written.