Tested out new toys part 2 - EQ hardware


Anssi Tenhunen
So, I tried out the new Boss GE7 graphic EQ-pedal that I got and MAN... Shaping better sound just got WAY easier. I've had this problem with the EC-1000 (Les Paul with EMG's) that it sounds a bit dark and muddy especially when the strings are older than a day. But when I cut out some low mids and boosted the high's just a hair with the EQ pedal before hitting the signal to the preamp, it just made everything sound better. As I put it before the preamp, I shaped the sound of the guitar, but if I would've put it after the preamp, I would've shaped the sound of the amp. And considering that I like the general sound of the amp, but not the guitar in it's current state, the choise wasn't too hard to make where to put it.

I ran all the guitars and bass thru it and made this super quick mix with mainly highpass and lowpass on the guitar and a lot of compression on the bass:


Signal chain is EC1000 -> GE7 -> MT2 -> KUASSA Lite (clean channel) -> Ryan's impulse -> Highpass and lowpass on almost all the guitar tracks

Note that the strings are now almost a month old in the clip, so the sound could be even a lot brighter, but it does the job for the demo :)

edit: new version http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1338211/ahjteam/ahjteam_water_v02.mp3
mmmm, don't know for sure, i'm hearing through some cheap headphones but... i think it needs more mids/high mids. Can you post a clip to compare with and without the EQ?